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AC:3 - Haytham is Better than Connor


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Haytham is an ultra-suave bad-ass with a refreshing take on the Templar/Assassin conflict. Connor is a whiny punk with 0 personality or ability to be relate-able.

Am I the only one who would have rather had a "play as a Templar" game that blurred the lines between good and evil?

Between Connor and Desmond I'm practically rooting for the destruction of the entire Assassin Order. Because fuck them.

Thank god Desmond dies. I wouldn't have been able to take one more game of his never ending menstrual cycle and constant "oh god why do i have to snuggly lay in the animus and relax while watching other people do shit all day" bitch fits.

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His name isn't Hathaway. It's Haytham. And yes, he was a better character. He always kept his cool in situations and chose logic over ethics. I was SO disappointed when I finally got to play as Connor. I mean, couldn't we at least unlock Haytham's clothes for Connor? I loved his hat.

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I spoke briefly about this in the chat but I like Connor. (maybe I'm biased because he shares my brothers name XD)


I can understand how you feel that he lacks personality or relatability (I know thats not a word but it sounds better so I'm using it) I think he does have personality its just a really complicated personality that makes him unpredictable. Mind you that may be what I like about him a lot of my favourite characters in anime are the quiet mysterious ones (for those who might be familiar examples would be Byakuya Kuchiki, Yuu Kanda).


Something I've seen a lot is people saying that they spent a large amount of the game playing as Haytham however for some reason I got through Haythams story in only a couple of hours so maybe I just never got as invested into his character as other people did.


Mind you I also really like Haytham

and the way that they lead you to see him one way and at the end of his story they bring the views you've formed from the entire series by revealing that he's a templar  


I also totally agree that Desmond is a useless whiny loser (although I did gain a little bit more respect for him with that mission where he's climbing the cranes and stuff but at the same time they didn't really achieve much from that.) I don't think anyone likes Desmond and the people who don't think playing as desmond was the worst part of every game in the series are a very small minority.


Also I have to point out I still haven't gotten all the way through it (I'm basically just after the Boston Tea party) as I wanted to finish Halo 4 first and I've barely gotten a chance to play that. :(

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I've continued to play through the game and Connor has turned into such a giant douchebag I'm having trouble even playing. When he was a teenager or whatever he was annoyingly naive with no personality, which was bad enough. As soon as he "ages" into adulthood (which shows him turning 40+ in "6 months") he becomes utterly unbearable on top of his astounding naivete which he never outgrows. Refusing to shake hands, constantly grabbing and throwing everyone's arm when they touch him with friendly gestures... Then he SCREAMS... Yes, literally screams, shouts, and throws tantrums... About EVERYTHING. Nothing is about the Assassin's at all. Nothing. All he does is flip out whenever something happens regarding his tribe; it's 100% his motivation. He's completely useless as a member of the Assassin's; all he manages to do is get used as pawn of the Patriots and several others.


Side gripe: he is ugly as hell. In fact, ALL of the characters are save Haytham and a few others at the beginning. No idea what happened to character modeling in this game.


I happened to be reading a thread on another forum where some poster called him a "total Beta." I got a good chuckle out of that, then realized how true it was. He really doesn't have very many redeeming qualities at this point, and saving a complete reversal of character, I don't see myself enjoying his journey as a character at all. 

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I've continued to play through the game and Connor has turned into such a giant douchebag I'm having trouble even playing. . . I don't see myself enjoying his journey as a character at all. 

If I knew how to add a spoiler tag, I could tell you something that would make you hate him even more. It's coming up, not long after Connor begins seriously developing his rivalry with Haytham.

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If I knew how to add a spoiler tag, I could tell you something that would make you hate him even more. It's coming up, not long after Connor begins seriously developing his rivalry with Haytham.


I'm already at the point where I will simply not purchase any future Assassin's Creed game he is the main character in. It is amazing to me that they took a character as awful as Desmond and made him seem like a godsend during every shitty platforming mission just because you have to listen to - less - douchebaggery (and knowing my opinion of Desmond that's quite a feat).


I'm guessing you're talking about his dispute with Achilles, which I've heard of but don't want to comment on (yet) since I haven't played through it yet.

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I've continued to play through the game and Connor has turned into such a giant douchebag I'm having trouble even playing. When he was a teenager or whatever he was annoyingly naive with no personality, which was bad enough. As soon as he "ages" into adulthood (which shows him turning 40+ in "6 months") ...

Maybe thats why I'm still okay with him.




Side gripe: he is ugly as hell. In fact, ALL of the characters are save Haytham and a few others at the beginning. No idea what happened to character modeling in this game.

If by all the characters you're including other assassins (Altair, Ezio and Desmond) then that would be because they're all modelled after one guy (I can't remember his name but he voices Desmond and I'm fairly sure he voices Altair at least in the first game).


Also at least its not as bad as Lucy was in AC2.


Also perhaps they made him an unappealing character on purpose


I don't know details but I've heard that the end of the game hints at an alliance with the templars which means they need to kind of balance your opinions of the templars (which the other games lead you to see as nothing other than the bad guys) and maybe they chose to do that by making the assassins just as unappealing.


Anyway I should probably play this more before getting too involved in this topic.


And squishy just for future reference if your interested to add spoiler tags you can either click the "Special BB Code" icon (next to the eraser) and select Spoiler or just do this :

[spoiler]Bruce Wayne is Batman OMG![/spoiler]

Which will look like this 

I know. Who could have seen it coming?

(Not just included for your sake squishy but also anyone else who might want to know)

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