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Mass Effect 4 Release Date, Mario Warfare Web Series


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Mario Warfare

There is a new web series called Mario Warfare. It seems to be about what Mario would be like if set in the modern day. Mario and Luigi are the last two combat soldiers, and they need to drive out Bowser's army with the help of their gangster friend... You guessed it -Toad! In other words, it's going to be awesome. Episode 1 has already been released, though I have let to watch it all myself.

Mass Effect 4

Mass Effect 4 has been announced for a 2014-2015 release date. The game has already entered full development, but Bioware is not making the game. Well, technically Bioware IS making the game, but it's not the same Bioware. Confused? So was I. EA has named what seems like 10 different studios "Bioware" to milk the name recognition. This particular "Bioware" developed Mass Effect 3's multiplayer, though, so they are probably a solid choice. If you were wondering, the "true" Bioware is busy with Dragon Age 3.


Have you ever heard of Guillermo Del Toro? Neither had I. Apparently he's a famous director who is currently making a new movie called Pacific Rim. Ellen McLain, voice of GLaDOS, is in this movie. What part does she play? She plays a robot, of course. I think you'll recognize her voice in this trailer.

I might need to watch this movie just to hear McLain's voice. Does that make me a creep? You decide.

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Mario Warfare: Might watch it later, in class right now.


Mass Effect 4: I don't play many games, and I probably won't play this game. I also don't think ME looks that good.


I've played Portal 2. Barely. Never heard of that director, nor any of his movies.




Good boy.



There you go.




I feel arrogant.



I appreciate your work.





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  • 1 month later...

^what she said


also your source for ME4 is wrong, its not out till 2k15 at the earliest according to "Bioware", due to them doing DA3,


another thing, GLaDOS only features in the trailer, not the film, so as good as it looks and is with her in, it will suck due to this matter


" EA has named what seems like 10 different studios "Bioware" to milk the name recognition. This particular "Bioware" developed Mass Effect 3's multiplayer, though, so they are probably a solid choice. If you were wondering, the "true" Bioware is busy with Dragon Age 3."


Gosh learn to read

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