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Official "Predict the U.S. Election" Thread


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I think it'll be a perfect tie. After that, Obama and Romney must participate in a shirtless war with 10 of their chosen allies.Which is great cause when was the last time we had a shirtless war?Edit: Seriously speaking though, I want Obama to win just to piss off the unstable redneck population. Then again, Romney will piss off the Internet. So yeah, I win either way.

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I think Obama will win. The only people I know who want Romney to win are them redneck kids at my school.The only reason I would ever want Romney to win is because he's against abortion and equal pay for women.The reason I want Obama to win is because he'll manage the economy better. That SHOULD be congress's job, but if pro is the opposite of con, what's the opposite of progress?

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They have many, many more civil rights than men. Also, it's been shown that the reason they get paid less is because men work more overtime, and in labor jobs, they are able to do more work. It's actually been shown that if a man and a woman do that same exact work, the woman gets paid 3% more. This ticks me off. They at LEAST need to give up those female exclusive civil rights before they even consider getting paid equally, which they already do.
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They have many, many more civil rights than men. Also, it's been shown that the reason they get paid less is because men work more overtime, and in labor jobs, they are able to do more work. It's actually been shown that if a man and a woman do that same exact work, the woman gets paid 3% more. This ticks me off. They at LEAST need to give up those female exclusive civil rights before they even consider getting paid equally, which they already do.

You're wrong man. I really don't know what else to say. They certainly don't have more civil rights and almost every report I've ever seen claims the exact opposite in wage analysis.The Romney "equal pay" thing was not Romney being "against equal pay for women." It was about the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act (2009), which determines when people can sue their employers if they think they're being discriminated against with wages. Romney clarified that he supports pay equity.
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I think Obama is gonna win with 79%. this is definetly something I came up with and everyone who claims to have come up with this before me is just copying.

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I think it'll be closer than 79%. But since you started it, I'll call out a legit prediction. OBAMA BY 64%

The only reason I would ever want Romney to win is because he's against abortion

For some reason, I thought you loved abortion as much as I do.
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I just hope Romney's popular vote lead holds until all the votes are counted for the maximum possible clusterfuck. I can't believe we still have the electoral college after the 2000 election (Gore/Bush) mess; maybe two incidents within damn near a decade will finally kill it.

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