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Just starting League of Legends.


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This game looks really fun and something I would love to play for awhile!But I'm a newbie.. and what worries me is that one of my friends tried this game 2 times a couple of months apart and told me that he got flamed at for choosing champion or his skills is just horrible.Well, of course I don't know which is the right champion to use yet and I know my skills will be horrible...So is League of Legends just full of serious players now? Should I skip this game? Or is this a newbie-friendly game?

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1.This game looks really fun and something I would love to play for awhile!2. But I'm a newbie.. and what worries me is that one of my friends tried this game 2 times a couple of months apart and told me that he got flamed at for choosing champion or his skills is just horrible.3. Well, of course I don't know which is the right champion to use yet and I know my skills will be horrible...4. So is League of Legends just full of serious players now? Should I skip this game? Or is this a newbie-friendly game?

1. Yes, its amazingly fun, solo-queue ranked is great when you can get to level 30, and challenges you to overcome all the bad players. Its fun pre-30 too, but more fun with friends (We have a small LoL community here, 4-5 of us) Check this post: http://eldersouls.co...ming +community to find out exactly who, and how you can get in contact with them.2. You will be bad, you will not have a clue what you are doing. You will push lane, you will die a lot and people will get mad and angry and upset. FUCK THEM ALL. Unlike other games, you rely on your teammates to actually be able to win, you have to work together. If one champion achieves a lot of kills, dependant on what enemy champion this is - it can spell disaster for a game, and make it un-winnable.However! Its fine, i started out doing this, people getting annoyed with me, but its okay, we all have to start somewhere. If people get mad, they get mad, it doesnt hurt you because its the internet, and pre-pubescant raging children do not cause you pain with their pixelated insults.Really though, play a few games against bots, get a handle for a champion, and go to http://www.solomid.net - look in the guides section, under general guides. There are a few troll guides, but they are easy to spot and meant to be laughed at - but there are also a lot of guides with good information that will help you on your way to becoming a better player.3. www.solomid.net - Look under guides section, and then look for specific champions.4. Its far from full of serious players, a lot of people are horribly bad, but think they are amazing. The other "problem" is people who already have level 30 accounts, and have decided to make a new account to play with some new friends, or because their "main" account got stuck in 500 ELO - which is actually where they belong.So basically, dont worry about what other people say, its a game and should be treated as such. If people get mad, your new, and by even asking these questions you will probably turn out to be better than the people flaming you in the first place.I have always found that if someone gets mad, dont respond, if you concentrate on the game in hand you won't go wrong.If all else fails /mute or /ignore both really help too. :-P------tl:dr PLAY LEAGUE OF LEGENDS ON EU-W AND I WILL HELP YOU.Add: xTynisa - but all the people you want to add on EU-W are on the link the the gave you.
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Haha thanks for the long response :3That really helped me!! And yeah your right, I should have thought about that... if people get mad at me or flame, they are just being immature! It's just a game and if I ever saw people mess up/screw up/die a lot.. I wouldn't get mad because I'm very a patient and key word: "It's just a game" xDWelp... Panda Media Booster is being retarded and blocking me from downloading the game and I went to my firewall and tried to add it into my exceptions but still didn't work!Every other game that had PMB worked fine for me o.o so I don't know.. still looking into that.. really want to play LoL x3

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Haha thanks for the long response :3That really helped me!! And yeah your right, I should have thought about that... if people get mad at me or flame, they are just being immature! It's just a game and if I ever saw people mess up/screw up/die a lot.. I wouldn't get mad because I'm very a patient and key word: "It's just a game" xDWelp... Panda Media Booster is being retarded and blocking me from downloading the game and I went to my firewall and tried to add it into my exceptions but still didn't work!Every other game that had PMB worked fine for me o.o so I don't know.. still looking into that.. really want to play LoL x3

PMB had some issues for me too.You have to also open a few different ports, cannot remember which ones - if you cannot find out which ones, i can do this for you tomorrow. (You can just google it "which ports do i open for pmb" or something should do the trick)If PMB is allowed by your normal firewall (McAfee, Norton etc), try disabling windows firewall outright just to get the download actually started and then re-activate windows firewall.These things solved my problems.----------Do not be put off if you are bad. You WILL be bad unless you have played other MOBA's - and even if you have, you will be bad.Persevere, and you shall prevail.
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Well that's odd.I went to try it out again to see what the error says so I can type it in on google...But instead of giving me that error.. it actually worked this time.. so I don't I :PBut hey, at least it's downloading now :3

Don't worry, the first time i downloaded it on my other laptop, i had the same issue. First time i got an error, second time i was fine.Forgot to add, quickly read: http://eldersouls.com/topic/3117-lol-beginners-short-guide/page__hl__%2Bleague+%2BlegendsIts a pretty quick guide that explains the very basics - and should stop people getting mad at you.
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Hey thanks very much ^_^And I played the tutorial last night and then played a match against bots with the help guide/tips and such.And damn it is so funnnnnn. It makes me want to to actually buy a champion with real life money which I've got a lot of money to do so x3But again, thanks very much for the guide!!I do plan on getting better at League of Legends one of these days...Not to become pro xD Just to have some really good fun ^_^

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Hey thanks very much ^_^And I played the tutorial last night and then played a match against bots with the help guide/tips and such.And damn it is so funnnnnn. It makes me want to to actually buy a champion with real life money which I've got a lot of money to do so x3But again, thanks very much for the guide!!I do plan on getting better at League of Legends one of these days...Not to become pro xD Just to have some really good fun ^_^

I too have cash to spend on Riot Points, so i have a plethora of skins and champions. Some i bought when i was newer to the game, and played once then never again. Slight waste of cash.Don't spend too much IP - you need a LOT of it when you get to level 20, because that is the level that the highest powered runes become available. Buying runes pre-20 is pointless, and just a waste of time, you will never use them again. Heh.Its fun to get good enough to play ranked 5's with friends - there are a plethora of champion synergies, and team compositions you can play together, that need good communication on a common "talking apparatus" :-pYou on EU-W?
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