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Dark Souls: Easy Mode?


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Started reading. Got lost in some Dark Souls v.s Skyrim debate.I only saw this played once, and some dude kept dying at something called "The Gaping Dragon" or something like that. His "friends" said he just sucked. And then they called him a faggot with no life when he left, so I guess they weren't really the best of friends. Anyway, my point being, exactly what is hard about this game? Do the bosses/monsters do crazy amounts of damage on you? Is it tricky to level up your character?

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Started reading. Got lost in some Dark Souls v.s Skyrim debate.I only saw this played once, and some dude kept dying at something called "The Gaping Dragon" or something like that. His "friends" said he just sucked. And then they called him a faggot with no life when he left, so I guess they weren't really the best of friends. Anyway, my point being, exactly what is hard about this game? Do the bosses/monsters do crazy amounts of damage on you? Is it tricky to level up your character?

Bosses (and regular enemies) are really hard for most people. You die a lot. The difficulty is that the game's currency and what you use to level with, souls, are also ALL lost every time you die. You have one chance to fight your way back to where you died and reclaim them, but this is often a long-shot since you're pissed off and have to travel 30mins to get back to where you were. Even if the NPC's don't kill you you'll most likely fall off of some hidden ledge.
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Sounds interesting. I might look into it as I've never actually played a game that I thought was reaallly hard, in the sense that I knew what was going on yet still couldn't beat it.

And all of this reminds me of a picture I've been meaning to post in the gallery but never got around to it.

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My main on Skyrim is almost an exact replica of that. Only I used no glitches and put every point I ever got when leveling into Stamina. I also don't use any OP enchants like the 102% magic resistance or the ability to get max DR while still dual-wielding. I also played on Master Difficulty since the start.Sadly, I do 1hit most things though. Just because a Sneak Attack Critical with dual-daggers and a power attack with the right gear setup deals 4x 30% critical hits in a row ( With only a level 56 one-hand I might add. Although I've heard glitches where 1h does not affect daggers anyway ). if I can sneak up on a Elder Dragon, it dies in one hit. Even my bow two hits almost every basic creature with a sneak attack, and can always get the second shot off before they even see me ( Sneak and Archery being my first two 100 skills while enchanting was my next highest at 32 ).I am a literal definition of a 'legit glass-cannon'.I've only heard my friend talk about the game. He's a decent gamer, although he doesn't play enough non-fps games to really grasp every concept of Dark Souls fully. He has been playing since almost the start with a curse on, simply because he can never get enough souls to get rid of it. He dies too often and loses his souls, and he wouldn't even get that far if he didn't spend what few he had on healing items and the like.I'm really looking forward to playing Dark Souls. I found a really cheap copy from a friend and it should be in here about a week for me to play. I've heard the difficulty is nothing compared to Demon Souls but I've never played either.Except a rave review when I get the chance. I already feel like it's going to be one of my favorite games I've played in quite a while.

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I'm really looking forward to playing Dark Souls. I found a really cheap copy from a friend and it should be in here about a week for me to play. I've heard the difficulty is nothing compared to Demon Souls but I've never played either.

I have all the Ps3 trophies on both games, and while the Demon's Souls trophies were harder, Dark Souls was the harder game. There were even a couple moments with cheap deaths, so be prepared for Sen's Fortress, Anor Londo, and Tomb of the Giants.And to Blexun, enemies leveling with you is the bane of RPGs.
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I think in most RPGs it just feels that way. They are usually set to a specific area to be a certain level so you're about that level when you get there.

That's in JRPGs, and I'm okay with that. In WRPGs, the enemies always scale to your level to keep it challenging. A great example is in Dragon Age: Origins. The Deep Roads is meant be the hardest area, but you can go there at the beginning if you want to, because enemies are scaled. I feel that if the enemies scale to your level, what's the point of leveling up? I still loved Dragon Age Origins, though. Skyrim does it a bit better, since it scales the first time you enter an area, but then locks the levels in place.There are still some scaling JRPGs and non-scaling WRPGs, but in general, that's one of the differences between the Japanese and American/Canadian developers.
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