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Metal Gear Solids 25th Anniversary!


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Image by Famitsu.

So for all of you Metal Gear Solid fans out there, there have been two HUGE announcements at the 25th anniversary in Tokyo.

The first, and probably the thing most people are skeptical about at the moment is the talk of a MGS Movie. Konami, with Columbia Pictures, officially announced this at the 25th anniversary event. Avi Arad, the maker of Iron Man, The Amazing Spiderman, and X-men will be the producer for the movie and was even on stage during the event. There isn't much real information yet, other then the fact that the idea for a MGS movie has been around since 2010. It was originally shelved, though, because Konami didn't agree with the direction it was being taken.

Famitsu has a few images here from the entire event. IGN also has a small article and video you can watch. Personally, I'm extremely excited for this. I trust Kojima enough not to mess this up. At the same time, Kojima is probably one of the biggest trolls in the gaming industry. It's a complete toss-up.

The next big announcement made was the making of Metal Gear Solid: Ground Zeroes. Guests were told not to actually say anything about the game during it's real world demo, which wasn't even in English. Of course this didn't happen and plenty of rumors and twitter images showed up anyway! The most common thing is simply how beautiful and blown away everyone was at the game.

It was reportedly demoed on a current generation PC and running the new FOX engine. Needless to say, those two things alone prove how powerful, massive, and gorgeous this game will be. Kojima also said in his latest podcast that the newest game in the series will "shake" the industry. Something Kojima seems to be good at doing and I have no doubt in my mind it's true when he says it. @markmacd tweeted...

@markmacd']Demo of 'Metal Gear Solid Ground Zeroes', started w cutscene (all realtime), went into gameplay, open world, night, raining, base. AMAZING," followed by "Snake crawled @ avoiding searchlights, killed guard, rode jeep, called in heli for evac. Sounds like MG, but the scale & atmosphere... Wow.

Famitsu was the source of the image to the right. If it's a picture of a cut-scene or real game-play footage, I can't tell. It looks amazing either way. I am extremely excited for this and can not wait.

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Played Snake Eater on the 3Ds and enjoyed it. This will probably be PS3(or 4 I really don't know) but still pretty cool though.I'm confused. Will this star Snake or not? Cause I thought the most recent one (Sons of Liberty or whatever) was the last Metal Gear game as far as Snake is concerned.

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Played Snake Eater on the 3Ds and enjoyed it. This will probably be PS3(or 4 I really don't know) but still pretty cool though.I'm confused. Will this star Snake or not? Cause I thought the most recent one (Sons of Liberty or whatever) was the last Metal Gear game as far as Snake is concerned.

I really think this might be a pc only game. I don't think the PS3 or Xbox will be able to handle it. I could be wrong though.Hopefully we will know more tomorrow during the panel.As far as Snake is concerned, that was simply the end of his storyline from what I remember. This game will probably just be a random mission he had between the MGS and MGS2 games. Not exactly part of the storyline, but still in the same timeline.If it isn't Snake, people will be pretty upset though.
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IGN has a 14 minute demo as well. Same thing with extended footage.

Official trailer, with what seems to be gameplay footage at the last two minutes. It's so hard to tell though. If it was, the transition was amazing. Easily on par with the transitions for Uncharted, which blew me away.

From what I can gather from the video ( Although I REALLY suggest watching first ) is that you will be playing as Snake. This is also going to be a continuation of his storyline. Since he appears to be old and the signature line; "Age hasn't slowed you down one bit" was used.

It appears the main 'enemy' so to speak will be XOF, another faction created similar to Fox-Hound. Other than that, I really can't tell much else. Besides that the child you see in the beginning will probably play a big role in what happens. In fact, and this is complete speculation, makes me wonder if he will be the next 'Snake' so they can continue the games.

The graphics are simply stunning. The lighting and textures are perfect. The transition from movie to gameplay was perfect. If it even was a transition, I swear it looks like the camera is being moved when he does gain access to actually play as Snake. I am nearly in shock after watching that trailer, and it didn't even really show much at all.

This will easily be the number one game to watch for. So if you are a MGS fan, keep your eye on this. if you've never played one, no time like the present to start! I would suggest reading up on the lore though, since the game is very heavily story based.

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[23:21:56] <PureYeti> so we dont know what snake this

[23:22:06] <PureYeti> is

[23:22:08] <Snugz> It's definitly older snake, if you watch toward the end

[23:22:12] <Snugz> David

[23:22:23] <Snugz> I think it's going to be Davids final game though

[23:22:33] <Snugz> Personal observation

[23:22:58] <PureYeti> lol he looks so much as big boss

[23:23:13] <Snugz> Well, he is like.. 60?

[23:23:25] <Snugz> I forget how old he was in the one before

[23:24:16] <PureYeti> i look around and it says this is naked snake

[23:24:59] <Snugz> I dunno, I don't think so. It could be though

[23:25:37] <PureYeti> this sure feels like a sandbox

[23:25:42] <PureYeti> i love the keep you waiting part

[23:26:56] <Snugz> It would just be weird to play as Big Boss

[23:27:17] <Snugz> Actually, I don't think he was ever even a part of FOX so it can't be him

[23:28:14] <PureYeti> i notice a "Fox"

[23:28:53] <Snugz> It looks to me like XOF is a group that defected (sp?) from FOX-HOUND.

[23:29:23] <Snugz> No clue who the antagonist is, but it has to be someone who was in FOX at one point

[23:30:27] <Snugz> Uh, the cyborg from MGS1 maybe? I forget his name.

[23:31:42] <PureYeti> gray fox?

[23:31:55] <Snugz> Possibly. Maybe this was before he became Gray Fox

[23:32:02] <PureYeti> oh i dont know then

[23:32:05] <Snugz> Which would mean this is Big Boss

I do need to get up-to-date again with my MGS lore it seems. I'll post more as rumors begin to float and more information is leaked.
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