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Distance makes the heart grow fonder?


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Hello TRR, I know I am under another name and even if people remebered me as cool1000456, those people would be few and far between. I once was a loyal follower of TRR at one point because it was my first full clan. That sadly didnt last long because my interest shifted with my age, and my love for TRR and Runescape faded. I am almost 3 years older now, and when I went back to RS I was wondering around looking at how things changed, and I found the new clan area. Being there brought back fond thoughts of the TRR. Now that I am posting this I am getting back into RS, and am looking back into TRR. I was wondering if I was still on the roster if I could rembraced by the clan. Now i suspect that my name was wiped from the roster long ago but in that case I will gladly re-submit to the clan, and help out when and where ever I can. See the clan again has been great and it feels good to be posting this.

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I've been around that long myself. I usually have a knack of remembering old names and what not, but sadly your's doesn't ring a bell. Maybe it's just the numbers at the end though; I don't really know.Anyway, glad to see an old face coming back. Might wanna post an application just to make things official, but welcome to TRR (unofficially) and hope you get back into the flow of things. :D

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