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$70 Battlefield 3 Premium Edition in September


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Those of you who have yet to purchase Battlefield 3 should probably hold out until September 11th, which EA has claimed as the date its Premium Edition will hit store shelves.

For $70, the content you recieve with the Premium edition will throw quite a punch. It includes...

    [*]All current and future expansion packs, including Karkand, Close Quarter, Armored Kill, Aftermath, and End Game. Each retail for $15 individually.

    [*]15 automatic multiplayer unlocks, as described as a "head start" kit.

Members who already have the game have an option of purchasing "Premium" (note this is not the same as the physical "Premium Edition") for the price tag of $50. Premium allows gamers to download all existing DLC, as well as get early access to the unreleased expansions.

All in all, the physical Premium Edition could be quite the bargain at $70. If all of the retail prices for the expansions are $15, the price for the DLC alone is $75. When you throw in multiplayer unlocks and the base game all for $5 less, FPS fans probably won't be complaining.

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