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Dawnguard-Your opinion

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I'm still awaiting its PS3 release. @_@From what I've seen, though, I'm not really too excited. The vampire bit is already over-done in the TES series. When is only adds about 10 hours of game play for $20.... Well, Bethesda might not get my business after this whole PS3/PC issue. It's funny because I would have for sure impulse bought it had they released it on day 1.

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I really liked Dawnguard and not only played both sides of the questline and got everything. The secret Reaper fight was tons of fun and the the items are useful.Along with that, Dawnguard allows for the ability to make arrows which now renders the Daedric arrow glitch rather useless because after a certain point, you have no use really for Daedra hearts. This was actually one of the funnest DLC i've ever played and think there is a threshold of understanding between people who watch videos on youtube or hear people talk about it, to yhe people who have played or beaten it.This DLC isn't exactly Shivering Isles standard, but still a 4/5 or 9/10 for me.Edit: The Vanpire lord is a ton of fun to play and the flow between spells etc, are very well. I thought that despite the repetitiveness, it puts a new perspective on a "Bethesda classic" where you get to meet the beginning of all vampires.

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there is a cool epic boss fight in the Soul Cairn if you can find all three Reaper Soul Fragments. he doesn't give much but the battle itself almost seems Legend of Zelda like. i don't know how to exactly but you can always youtube it. Just word of advice if you play 360, look for the soul gems, you'll know what i'm talking about

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