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Trinity Restored - Issue with Karliah and Nocturnal



Fixed this Karliah issue, thanks you guys. However, I've come across another bug. In the ritual chamber, Nocturnal says,


Your terms were struck years ago, Karliah. What more could you have to offer me?

And then... stop. Karliah's on her knee, hands in the air. No conversation, no movement aside from Nocturnal's glowing orb, Karliah's hands, and Brynjolf and I shifting our weight on our legs. Can't tab out, can't do anything. I don't want to use my console commands to advance to the next objective, because I use a mod that allows me to become a Nightingale without pledging my soul to a Daedra. So, what else is there I can do?
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Reloading a save from a ways back and seeing if the issue is resolved with it might be the only option you have. Nothing else really jumps out at me, I'm sorry to say. If nothing is triggering during what I'm assuming is a cinematic event (can't remember for sure) I don't know what else to try.

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Yes, it is the cinematic where Karliah gives Brynjolf and I to Nocturnal. I'll try the reload. If it doesn't work, I guess my only options are soul dedication to the Twilight Sepulcher, or not becoming a Nightingale. Then again, I could take the armor and run...

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