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Dawnguard Vampire Seduction issues.

Guest Ra


After I use vampire seduction and bite the moth priest or my spouse. The game simply gives the statement that I have fed, my vampire powers receded, etc., but the objective does not complete. What must I do?

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from what happened with me an i'll try to kill two birds with one stone:1. when fighting the moth priest and you get him down, and if you are given V's S and it doesn't show up in powers, then go to the nearest coffin and sleep until you gain it.2. After you bite the moth priest you need to tell him to go to the castle, he will go on his own, and will meet you there, he isn't actually a "follower" per-say.

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(I was 'Guest Ra' - now Ra-Born --just in case you were wondering.) The problem that I ran into is that I can do the vampire seduction and 'feed', but the system just says that I satisfied my hunger. It doesn't actually make them become thralls or vampires. Which then keeps me from advancing in either quest. :(

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again, you should only have to talk to them, if he is telling you that he isn't afraid of you, try and reload an autosave of when you first entered, then exit and re-enter. Stage 1 unlocks Vampire's Seduction and will work no matter what level you are for this specific quest. it worked for me on the first try, aside not being able to acquire VS due to my stage of Vampirism, but upon hitting him with it, he should be able to be fed on, then the quest SHOULD update and tell you to either talk to Serana or tell him to travel back to the castle

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That is exactly what he keeps doing, he'll say I am not afraid of you, over and over while he is in the ' seduced' state and I try to talk with him after feeding on him. I will try to go back out again and then re-enter to see if it will work the next time around. Unfortunately, I have already saved over the prior saves of when I first went in to deal with him, because this has been a problem for over a week.

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Well, this has without question been the worse DLC I have purchased. Not only has it kept me from playing it fully. But, this morning trying to clear the cache yet again. I deleted all of my saves, stemming from 11-11-2011 @ 12:49 AM onward, and my disc seems faulty now. Not at all pleased. But, thanks for all the help and suggestions all of you gave. Maybe, I will reconsider purchasing Skyrim on a P.C..

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try and make a new character? That may have been a little extreme to delete some or apparently all of your saves. If you are on PS3, could've been a utility patch error, and if you have the game installed that could've helped with the problem.The disc part, I don't know. Which console do you have and not to insult your intelligence but do you know for PS3 or Xbox 360 how to delete your patches and system Cache, not just delete your Saves or DLC etc.?

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Guest Ra-Born

Oh no, no offense taken. I appreciate your help. I have the XBOX 360. I was able to successfully clear the caches multiple times. I must have accidentally deleted the Skyrim memory, by moving through the System hard drive too hastily. The disc just from time to time keeps urging me to clean it with a soft cloth, and restart my console. I am figuring that its less to do with the disc and more with the content loading. I don't have a choice now, so I am re-starting from scratch. ;-)

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Well I wish you the best of luck because that sucks, but Hopefully it was just a problem with that save, and not the DLC itself. If it happens again, let me know on here or by PM, then my best bet would be to tell you to uninstall the Dawnguard DLC then reinstall it.Hopefully that will make everything work, because things like that have happened to me with other games and their DLC and i've ripped my hair out over it and realized that just redownloading works prefectly fine.

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Thanks for the help. I had to re-install the DLC several times before I could even get it to work or show up in the game the first time around. Then, of course you know the end result, I was unable to do 'The Gift' quest, or 'The Prophet" quest, also I had multiple drain fatigue shouts, and I had issues with completing the Word Wall at Archwind Point, along with the game not allowing my objective of 'Joining' the Mage's College in Winterhold and the Bard's College and the Thief's guild to complete. It also had 4 duplicate NPC's standing at the Whiterun Stables after I gave Frost to the 'new owner'.So, I have now joined all of the factions, so now that I have re-installed the DLC to the new created character we'll see what happens. I wanted to knock out all of the known problem issues before I re-downloaded Dawnguard. Hopefully Archwind Point's Wall will show up now that I have uploaded the DLC and I can complete it before the Greybeards point me in that direction. :wink:

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I have a bit of the same problem, i've slept in the coffins and waited and everything but I seen to not have Vampire's seduction at all, i've looked through the whole magic section and looked through the quick use bar when i've been transformed and I cannot find any trace that I have or ever had it, any suggestions?

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Nevermind, apparentally it fixed itself after I stood at the exit to Forebears' Holdout, I waist about 2 hours while transformed, my screen went red and the text popped up, then I transformed back and looked in my powers, then saw the Seduction.

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I know right, Unknown ProbLem?!?! I don't know what is going on, no one else seemed to have this particular problem with the Vampire Seduction. I started thinking that maybe my character and I need to go to remedial Vampire school. LOL... I created a new character and made sure that I cleared through all of the known quirky glitch issues before they begin...then finally, guess what! The same problem, the moth priest still keeps saying, "You monster, blah, blah blah....he's not getting compelled. :(yeah, in my case CJ, I always had the vampire seduction and it shows that it hits the target. The game lets me bite/feed on them, but it does not turn them into a thrall. It just states that I have satisfied my vampiric hunger, or what ever it says. :)

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Guest egenius

I'm having the same issues on pc. with the prophet quest i can not talk to the moth priest. after biting him.i'm also having a problem with the vampire seduction bite/feed not working correctly. i cast the power - it hits - i feed - get the power recede dialoge in the top corner - the bite animation keeps repeating until i force crash the system. i have tried with a fresh character without mods installed, and it still doesn't work.

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I tell you this game went from my favorite-down to one that I resent, due to the DLC and mostly as a result of the so-called updates. It seems that the more updates they release; the more frequent the game crashes, freezes or refuse to even load a continued/loaded game. They messed my particular system up so badly, that now Serana does not speak or respond, the Castle and other Dawnguard items are either missing or look like they are still in the 'production stage of animation'. I wish that I could obtain a refund.

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I have this problem where, whenever I cast vampiric seduction and feed, my character stops moving and I can't do anything. It's not frozen, but the character just remains still and won't move.

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Guest Meeee

Glitch fix.Just beat him in normal form. The vampiric lord form triggers the glitch. Worked first time after reading these below :) happy hunting late DLCers.Btw the feeding animation glitched out n didn't show.. but no pause out

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when i use vampire's seduction , i cast it on the moth priest or any other person and i get up " feed or talk" . then i press "feed". and nothing happens.... 

please help me i've tried everything...

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