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Restoration magic, and staves.

Death Knight


The restoration spells you get from the dawnguard, is there any other way to get them asides from joining them ? or are they unique like the crossbow ? and i almost never play mages in anything, but i've taken a liking to the colledge, is there any way to make your own staff ? or get any undead killing spells asides from joining the dawnguard ? im using one handed, restoration & enchanting so far.
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Dawnguard Spells - If you're talking about these spells, it depends. If they are given during the Dawnguard quest-line directly they are unobtainable unless you join the Dawnguard. However, some of them appear to just be located in various spots. I'm not sure if non-Dawnguard players are able to enter those areas or not since I haven't played it yet, but it should be easy enough to figure out if you have access to the locations they're at.Staff Making - You can't currently make custom staffs.Undead Spells - There should be quite a few spells that are good against undead in vanilla Skyrim, such as Turn/Repel Undead and fire spells.

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Hmm ive joined the dawnguard now, i havent found anything like sunfire yet, I dont use destruction but turn undead has been relatively helpful to keep away restless draugur why i deal an occasional wight at around level 5 or 6. Enchanting is going to help with fire enchantments for my mace however.

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well you're playing Battlemage, little different. a Mage is only and specifically robes, doing mostly dual casting. a battlemage will wear heavy armor along with a one-hand + Magic.Battlemages are tricky because you now need to invest heavily more into actual combat skills over your magic spells, thus effectively making you weaker in the magic sense. Most battlemages end up becoming Warriors that use a few magic tricks and will slowly head back towards a shield.Skyrim's most effective battlemage is any 1h + Restoration, as Destructions level scale is garbage.In conclusion, I have no idea how to help.

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