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Yeah, I signed up a few days ago, and just remembered today.

So I've been playing Skyrim on/off since the beginning on PC (played it in the beginning on my PS3 since I got the CE for PS3). I used to play Morrowind before Oblivion came out, and when I tried Oblivion - I didn't care for it.

I am the type of player that plays with hundreds of mods, but because of the nature of mods, and Bethesda's games, I am also careful to document my mod install order.

Edit: Also, I'd like to know how/where to edit how many posts per page show up, I cannot find it and I prefer having 50 posts per page or more

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Read the part where you asked how to change the amount of post per page, immediately thought "I know how to do that!", spent 20 minutes looking for it, then gave up. I blame you.Welcome to the site! I recently went back to Oblivion and...well...let's say that video games in general has come a long way.

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Unfortunately the user-setting for posts/page was removed in the very last version of the forum software we upgraded to. :sad:Welcome to the site! It's nice to know there are people out there that take the time to document their mods. It saves a lot of time when something goes wrong.

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Read the part where you asked how to change the amount of post per page, immediately thought "I know how to do that!", spent 20 minutes looking for it, then gave up. I blame you.

I dunno why but I feel honored. :D

Unfortunately the user-setting for posts/page was removed in the very last version of the forum software we upgraded to. :sad:

Aw!!! Ya gotta be kidding me! D'em bastards, how can an 'upgrade' also be a 'downgrade'? :(

Welcome to the site! It's nice to know there are people out there that take the time to document their mods. It saves a lot of time when something goes wrong.

Thanks, and yeah it's saved me a lot of time.

Now I'm rather jealous for a gaming PC.Welcome to the site. Something to remember is that Traaginen, Blexun, and Anarchy are the leaders, so ask them any questions you have.

So I saw the first two of this (unholy?) trinity, where's this Anarchy fellow? lol
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