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Daedric Artifacts and Quests, with Walkthroughs

Unknown ProbLem

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Daedric Artifact Quests in Skyrim

Small break, coming back to finish tomorrow. Enjoy what I have

By: Unknown ProbLem

Table of Contents:

Molag Bal
Mehrunes Dagon
Hermaeus Mora
Clavicus Vile


Foreword: Hey everyone! It's Unknown and I'm bringing you a new guide for something that can help everybody and even possibly get you an achievement or two!

[th]Daedric Artifact[/th] [th]Level Required[/th] [th]Difficulty*[/th] [th]Daedric associated[/th]


Difficulty*: This would be normally without this guide, or any help what-so-ever and would be 100% brain power, these are also my opinion, so difficulty may vary from viewer to viewer.

The quests that follow along in order are as follows as well as a Description of that the general thing of the quest is, with a walkthrough on how to beat it.

1. House of Horrors: (Mace of Molag Bal) Level Required: 10
Location: Markath, Boethia's Shrine, and an abandoned house in Markarth

Quest Overlook: Upon passing by the "abandoned house" in Markarth, a Vigilant of Stendarr will interrogate you about the inhabitants of the house. You can offer to join him in a once-over of the house and things go seriously wrong. a mysterious voice tells you to kill the Vigilant, which you hastily follow. After reaching the bottom of the house, you are greeted by an eerie mace and a trap, Molag Bal has captured you and asks your help to make his rusty mace ring true to the Daedric tone, in some twisted way.
Upon more dialogue between you and the lord, you find out that a priest of Boethia has been tampering with the shrine and asks you to allow the priest visit one last time. After convincing the priest to revisit the shrine, you catch him in the trap and are instructed by Molag to murder the priest for the desecration of the shrine.
After you kill the priest, you go through another dialogue with Molag Bal and he thanks you for restoring the power to his Mace. He names you his champion and lets you keep the mace, hoping to see you bring foes to their knees in the future before laughing away to tend to Oblivion work.

Rewards: Mace of Molag Bal, items dropped by NPCs


2. Night to Remember (Sanguine's Rose) Level Required: 14
Location: Nearest Inn to you first reaching level 14 (anywhere in Skyrim), Shrine of Dibella in Markarth, Rorikstead, Whiterun, Morvunskar, and Sanguine's mystical fun dimension

Quest Overlook: This wonderful quest begins by meeting an odd fellow by the name of Sam Guevenne and he'll challenge you to a drinking contest, along with a promise of nights and laughs and such. Well after a few drinks, you basically black out and wake up in Markarth in the Shrine of Dibella and hear the priestess talk about how you were mumbling about marriage and... a goat.
After some Dialogue, you that that you also mentioned Rorikstead and your quest updates to locating the staff in Rorikstead. After meeting a disgruntled farmer in Rorikstead and choosing whether or not to help him get his goat back that you lost, you learn that you said something about repaying Ysolda in Whiterun. You can ignore all of these and just fly through them with high enough speech (or a deep enough pocket) but she'll have you get a ring back, because you allegedly got married to a Hagraven.
You kill a Hagraven then return her "finest piece" back, and she tells you to head to Morvunskar. After you kill everyone there, you open a portal to this other dimension. you walk the eerie and mystical pathways to find a dining table and several guests. you see Sam Guevenne who after some dialogue turns into Sanguine the Daedric prince of debauchery! he'll gladly give you the staff and tell you how he was amused at you running about skyrim, then teleport you back.

Rewards: Sanguines Rose, dropped items, or chest loot.


3. The Break of Dawn (Dawnbreaker) Level Required: 12
Location: Meridia's Shrine, and random dungeon to acquire the beacon.

Quest Overlook: The very very angry daedric prince Meridia has been having quite a rough patch lately, and some necromancer has taken her temple as a home and cursed the place to hell. By using Meridia's pure beacon, you can re-open all parts of the temple and banish the "scourge" from the temple. Your goal, upon being dropped from the sky, is to completely clear out the temple. You accomplish this goal by simply activating the little balls of light inside the temple itself to continue the reflective and damaging beam of pure light throughout the temple. This quest has somewhat hard NPC's to face, however, they tend to drop 100+ gold per kill. This place is practically coated in gold, and definitely a place to stop to make a little money while picking up a daedric artifact. The boss, upon killing him will turn into a spell casting shade, and when he falls for the second time, you have won, claiming all loot as yours, Champion of Meridia and winning Dawnbreaker.

Rewards: Dawnbreaker, Gold, Misc. Loot


4. The Black Star (Azura's Star) Level Required: 1
Location: Azura's Shrine,

Quest Overlook:



5. The Mind of Madness (Wabbajack) Level Required: 1

Quest Overlook:



6. Pieces of the Past (Mehrunes' Razor) Level Required: 20

Quest Overlook:



7. Ill Met by Moonlight (Savior's Hide) Level Required: 1

Quest Overlook:



8. Discerning the Transmundane (Oghma Infinium) Level Required: 15
Location: Septimus Sigmus's Outpost, Alftand, Blackreach, and several other locations

Quest Overlook: This quest is extremely long and will be covered by a previous guide of mine with a link.

Rewards: Oghma Infinium, and a Metric ton of items from finding the bloods, along with Dwemer dungeon diving.

NOTE: To continue this quest while power-leveling for the glitch, you NEED to be level 15 upon returning the Lexicon, I learned the hard way.


9. The Only Cure (Spellbreaker) Level Required: 20

Quest Overlook:



10. Walking Nightmare (Skull of Corruption) Level Required: 1

Quest Overlook:



11. The Whispering Door (Ebony Blade) Level Required: 20
Location: Dragonsreach, and The Bannered Mare, (If sided with the Stormcloaks) Blue Palace

Quest Overlook: This quest is pathetically easy, to begin simply go to The Bannered Mare and talk to the inn keeper about gossip until she tells you about the Jarl's dark son. Visit Jarl Balgruuf in his home of Dragonsreach, or if you kicked him out in the Civil War questline, go under the main area and talk to him about the problems with his children. He'll ask you to talk to his brat of a child and the child will lead you to talk to the "whispering Lady" at the door. Sure enough, after listening you'll be contacted by a female voice who wants you to retrieve her lost power, and it happens to be Nocturnal who has this gift for you. After the dialogue with Nocturnal, return to the Jarl's son and he'll tell you how to open the door, by getting a key from the castle mage, Forengar. After taking the key, return to the door and unlock it, take your prize and the quest will end with a short Dialogue from Nocturnal herself about the cursed Ebony Blade.

Rewards: Ebony Blade, and the Key to the door


12. The Cursed Tribe (Volendrung) Level Required: 9

Quest Overlook:



13. The Taste of Death (Ring of Namira) Level Required: 1

Quest Overlook:



14. Boethia's Calling (Ebony Mail) Level Required: 30

Quest Overlook:



15. A Daedra's Best Friend (Masque of Clavicus Vile) Level Required: 13

Quest Overlook:



*VIDEO: Apparently it is impossible to keep videos on this guide in URL form or in video form, for when I go to make another change, they vanish. please visit the Youtuber below or view this link to see all the Daedric Artifact walkthroughs. http://www.youtube.c...Co&feature=plcp
As well, it should be noted that I take absolutely no credit for the Youtube video links and all videos are property of Orcidea and you should check out his channel for all his videos as well! http://www.youtube.com/user/Orcidea

Sorry Everyone, this guide is currently unfinished and while previewing, I accidentally misclicked to post. My bad.
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