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Small Xbox 360 glitch that benefits waiting

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This is a small glitch that i found on youtube, that allows a player on the xbox 360 to press his/her guide button immediately after starting the wait cycle. This glitch cuts the time waiting down drastically and can turn a 24 hour wait to finish in seconds!This does work up to the newest patch (I just tried it) and for PS3, somebody will have to confirm it for me.

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I hope it works for the PS3, I've wasted numerous hours waiting for items to appear in stores. What is the "Guide" button?I actually just recently learned it's possible to zoom the camera way out. I'd previously been playing with it completely zoomed in and thought I had some sort of bug.

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on an Xbox 360 controller, there is a rather large button in the center of the controller called the guide button. It probably differs from xbox players what they call it, but basically it has the xbox logo on it. When you press it, it'll open up like a "master" menu where you can do stuff, but it isn't like an in-game pause menu. This goes over the guide menu, and if you may have noticed a small lag when trying to do things right when you start a wait cycle, That would be the ideal time.For non-quest vendors, the fastest way of all, is to save after buying what you want, then killing the NPC and reloading. for whatever reason this will actually reset the vendor's items.I could try to find a video maybe, but I'm not sure if it was patched or not.

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For non-quest vendors, the fastest way of all, is to save after buying what you want, then killing the NPC and reloading. for whatever reason this will actually reset the vendor's items.

This was ridiculously helpful to me when it came to selling multiple enchanted iron daggers. Talk about fast cash. Thanks again!
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