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Dawnguard - Everyone Attacks Me



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I am incredibly pained to say, but you are rather screwed. unless you go back to a much earlier save, due to you finishing the Vampire side of Dawnguard, you cannot complete the other half. Hopefully this helps, but you can only do one side or the other, I feel slightly bad telling you this because you put so much extra effort in.

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Thought that might be the case, thanks for answering.You'd think there would be some sort of in game hint before you chose that meant you didn't limit yourself. Oh well, back to 20 game hours ago I go...

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Guest Lurkuld

Ha - was searching for reasons why on earth i had to slaughter everyone in dawnguard - i did kill a farmer who was a werewolf outside riften.- Im not a vamp no signs in my actives - did the slaying of vamps. But i am wearing ebony mail from one of the daedra gods - the one that poisons people when they are too close to u.-Killed all the characters who could die in dawnguard. Then after hacking n slashing for 10 mins the non dying npcs stopped and i could talk to them.weird

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Guest Dylan G

I had this problem too, im not sure what exactly caused the problem but i double checked that i didnt have a bounty, and i instead of fast-travelling from the vampire island to the dawn-guard, i fast traveled to riften then ran over to the dawn guard and told my companion to wait. and that solved my problem

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So..i've talk to the guy that cures my vampirism however (without any bounties, cured all diseases, etc) I still get attacked by dawnguard. "The prophet" quest is still active though because I was in the middle of that quest..does that have anything to do with me still being attacked or what?? Please help1!

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I think you may have glitched yourself, in all honesty. Do you have any saves prior to losing vamparism? Also, for everyone, If you are going to choose a side, please stick with it, it's just easier that way. It has not been officially confirmed with evidence, but one can not do both QLs.There may be a possible glitch that causes the script of the Dawnguard to attack you under a certain circumstance. The biggest and most common fix is one of three thingsA. revert to a save prior to the incident occuring, or the first pre-dawnguard saveB. test a new character (credit to Greg for finding this) at level one by visiting the Fort.C. uninstall then reinstall Dawnguard and see what happens (it i known on xbox for DLC to occasionally load incorrectly, thus by reinstalling it, you may fix your previous error)

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I'm considering the face sculptor in Riften. Maybe after being a vampire and then being cured, your face is still affected. Anyway, i just changed my appearance, but I don't know the effect yet.

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Make sure you don't have any buff (active effect) such as the "Voice of the Sky" blessing, which is given when the player reads all of the etched tablets on the way up to High Hrothgar. I had the exact same problem and waiting for the buff to disapear fixed it.

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Guest TadasJA

I've chosen vamps and done the chalice quest so I guess I'm flagged as a Vampire for Dawnguards and that title doesn't go away by just curing myself... I've chosen vamps just because I like Serana as a follower but later I read somewhere that she can be your companion even if you're Dawnguard then I thought to myself that Dawns have more privileges, I mean I don't liek the vampire form, I don't need it, the Vampires have nothing to offer me ... But now I'm stuck with a damn vampire questline... -.- I realize that I could make a new save but if you play like I play I'd see how excited you'd sound about starting a new char...

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Guest Frozenfire

I'm going through a bug in skyrim where everyone attacks me but certain people and guards I'm not a vampire or a werewolf have no bounty and wearing elvin armor but everywhere I go people start attacking for no reason and then the guards attack the people attacking me and I have no idea on how to fix the bug

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I'm going through a bug in skyrim where everyone attacks me but certain people and guards I'm not a vampire or a werewolf have no bounty and wearing elvin armor but everywhere I go people start attacking for no reason and then the guards attack the people attacking me and I have no idea on how to fix the bug


It's probably a conflict with some faction you've joined. Unless you can find the common denominator behind everyone that's attacking you, we won't really be able to help.

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Guest Azrael Acid

I've had the problem too. However this helped.


People of the Rift may attack you if you have lycanthropy. 

Solution: Reload a previous save, use beast form, and wait until it expires. Then proceed to Fort Dawnguard.


Don't know what to say for those that are not werewolves.... still exploring...

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The reason they're still attacking you is because you did the Vampire Lords Questline and not theirs. I can almost promise you. Redo the vamp questline with any character. New, old, or even just got to that part of choosing sides in their little "skyrim life". I can just about guarantee you'll get the same result no matter what.

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Guest Brandon

Can someone help, I was once a vampire lord but after a while I got sick of having to go to the castle and feed and I didn't use The Lord vampire power much, so I became a werewolf again. But for some reason the dawnguard still attack me??!!! It's annoying as hell since I can't leave my house without being ambushed by them! HELP!!!!!

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