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Mole Hunting reflection

TRR Daniel

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Event: Mole Hunting

Amount of People Attended: 3(4 later on in the event as blexun joined)

Who In TRR had Attended: Me (TRR Daniel), Deltoro, Cool1run and Blexun later on in the event

Special Guests:None

Notes: Okay so this event as scheduled by Destiny but she was not online so i lead the event. We met at Edgeville bank and when we were all ready to go we tele'd to falador using the lodestone network.We then ran to the mole hills when coolrun remembered that she forgot to bring and energy pot. Posted Image So myself and deltoro waited and then we entered the moles lair.The first kill was relatively easy but the stupid fat mole put on some sort of super def for the second kill as it took forever to kill it the second time. Posted Image Then I had to leave but the party was still 3 as blexun joined us although all he did was alch Posted Image

Pictures: I was Unable to get any screenies but anybody else that was there feel free to post some Posted Image

Anyway thanks for reading my first event reflection and i hope you enjoyed it.





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