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New Dawnguard Details at E3


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    [*]Dawnguard will cost $20, coming out June 26th on Xbox

    [*]New Dragon bone weapons; will be tiered ABOVE Daedric.

    [*]You CAN be a "Vampire Lord" which turns into this weird ass bat-man thing that allows you to fly. Also comes with it's own perk tree.

    [*]New Shouts - Soul Tear allows you to rip out souls from NPC's and make them your follower or something.

    [*]You can have your own... armored troll? Couldn't really understand that part.

    [*]Summoned Mount

    [*]Perk tree added for werewolf.

    [*]FROST ELVES MAYBE?! (Don't know why they're making this a big deal because I doubt most people care.)

    [*]10-20 hours of new content.

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And if you are interested in said Vampire and Werewolf trees, here is some guy sharing leaked information that may or may not be true, so believe everything he says.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g73o_PAZ5sI&feature=relmfuhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUqdm-Pzxo4&feature=relmfuVery interested in the perk trees. That is two more build specific playthroughs, plus the choice to either join the Dawnguard or the vampires. And with bone weapons I don't have to travel up the Heavy Armor Smithing tree for the best weapons if I'm Light Armor.

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I actually have 0 interest in the perk trees. Unless I'm making a build SPECIFICALLY to be a Vampire/Werewolf for the ENTIRE game (unlikely in itself), I'm never going to invest anything in them. I'm famously cheap with my perks, though. I think at level 50 something I have mid-20's unused because I don't want to waste them.I'm not sure if I like Dragon weapons being above Daedric, especially because the armor isn't. I wish they'd redesign Dragon armor to make it bad-ass, then boost the stats past Daedric a bit if they're going that route.Disappointed with the "10-20 hours of new content." The main quest is supposedly like 25-30 hours (yeah right). That seems like a tiny expansion for $20 considering Shivering Isles was roughly $20-30 and added like a good 30% to the gigantic ass game that Oblivion was. Still meh on the vampire thing as well.

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Haven't heard anything about the new area to explore, so that may add to play time. But yeah, I know your feel bro. But I'm still really excited even though I probably won't play this on release date.And I guess armor'd trolls will be some follower that I will never use.

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I'll probably never play vamp, simply because I hate all of those blood sucking creeps, but also because I want to kill them all, which i guess goes hand in hand with the other one...either way crossbows, finally<3 Armored troll follwer for a vampire lord ?.. I can see it working, kind of like your own little frankenstein minion to maul things, like a henchmen for your evil vampiric lord.

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I'll probably never play vamp, simply because I hate all of those blood sucking creeps, but also because I want to kill them all, which i guess goes hand in hand with the other one...either way crossbows, finally<3 Armored troll follwer for a vampire lord ?.. I can see it working, kind of like your own little frankenstein minion to maul things, like a henchmen for your evil vampiric lord.

Watch at 2:30, but I'm pretty sure the armored troll is for the Dawnguard, not the vampires. But yeah, not a fan of vampires in Skyrim, but I'll be playing as one once for the vampire side and a werewolf for the Dawnguard side. Need to fulfill my Twilight fanfiction.
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