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Skyrim Movie Cast List Suggestions?

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I'm making a fake cast list and I'd appreciate any suggestions or ideas. For the Dragonborn/Dovahkiin, I chose Emma Watson. I don't know why, it fit my own Dovahkiin so yeah lol. And I have casted other characters as well, besides the Dragonborn, but if anyone has any ideas for other minor characters, feel free to let me know.

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First of all let me just say that I'm amazed that that name was still available here. Congratulations and welcome to the site. :smile:Leonardo Dicaprio as a lovable vagabond in the thieves guild. Liam Neeson as some old wanderer that teaches you some ancient combat style. John Noble needs to be a beggar in Whiterun (he played Denethor II, the crazy steward of Gondor in LotR) that lays next to the white tree all day.

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I'll be recasting Dragonborn.

Dragonborn- Liam Neeson

Esbern- Sean Connery

Delphine- Meryl Streep

Master of Greybeards- Robert De Niro

Paarthurnax- voiced by Morgan Freeman

Alduin- voiced by James Earl Jones

Ulfric- Chris Hemsworth, but he's wearing the wig from Thor

Tullius- George Clooney

and scene.

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Jack Nicholson as a struggling lumberjack who is hired to watch one of the remote mountain inns with his wife and young son during the winter.

Chris Sarandon as the vampire master of some cave. It's an easy cave.

I'll be recasting Dragonborn.

Dragonborn- Liam Neeson

Esbern- Sean Connery

Delphine- Meryl Streep

Master of Greybeards- Robert De Niro

Paarthurnax- voiced by Morgan Freeman

Alduin- voiced by James Earl Jones

Ulfric- Chris Hemsworth, but he's wearing the wig from Thor

Tullius- George Clooney

and scene.

I would totally buy that movie as long as you take Robert De Niro out and replace him with Liam Neeson. The Dragonborn will be the fat guy from the Hangover.

This is the best thread of all time.

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I'm afraid Robert Di Nero is staying in the movie. However, he is losing this Greybeard role and instead that'll be given to Ian McKellen (Gandalf). It's him or I walk. Liam Neeson is also Dragonborn. He has gotten plenty of wolf fighting practice in The Grey, so he'd be perfect.

We'll be getting some Dark Brotherhood action in Skyrim: Rise of the Dovakiin. Not a lot, but we need the main characters.

Cicero- Jonah Hill

Astrid- Charlize Theron

Nazir- Will Smith

Emperor- Rober De Niro

Nicholas Cage- Nicholas Cage. That's right. Nicholas Cage is in Skyrim. Didn't you know that?

I'm also seeing a three movie spread for this.

Skyrim: Rise of the Dovakiin

Skyrim: The Search for the Elder Scroll

Skyrim: Alduin's Bane

We will have jumped the shark by the third movie.

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haha thanks for the suggestions. But my issue with Chris Hemsworth as Ulfric Stormcloak is that he's too youthful looking for the role. Originally, I picked Sean Bean for Ulfric Stormcloak, cuz I assumed it would be a give in lol

Any suggestions for Thieves Guild, Companion and more Dark Brotherhood members? I'm stumped on those three factions lol

And back to Dovahkiin, that was my personal choice. Like I said, it fit my personal gameplay, because I made my Dragonborn completely timid and shy, but as the game progressed, she became a kickass warrior. A very typical transition lol But because of this, I thought of Emma Watson. I don't know why, I just think that she'd fit my definition of the female Dragonborn best. XD

This is what I had originally with most of the major characters:

Delphine - Joan Allen (she voiced her and they have a similar appearance so why not?)

Elisif the Fair - Elizabeth Banks

Ulfric Stormcloak - Sean Bean

Balgruuf the Greater - Viggo Mortensen

Alduin - Daniel Riordan (Voiced him in the game)

Paarthurnax - Charles Martinet (Voiced him and honestly I don't think anyone else would be able to pull it off properly)

Maven Black - Briar - Anjelica Huston

Sheogorath - Bill Connolly

Aela the Huntress - Famke Janssen

General Tulllius - Mark Strong

Elenwen - Meryl Streep

Delvin Mallory - Jason Statham

Esbern - Max Von Sydow

Sapphire - Michelle Rodriguez

Lydia - Olivia Wilde

Glenmoril Witches/Agnes of Glenmoril - Lorna Raver (with her performance in Drag Me to Hell, why not?)

Njada Stonearm - Rhona Mitra

Those are really most of the characters I have. I'm also struggling with Ancano, but I had Hugo Weaving in mind. I have my doubts about it, though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oooo ooo ooo here are some of mine...Dragonborn - Chris HemsworthDelphine - Lena HeadeyEsbern -Max Von SydowArngeir - Donald SutherlandUlfric Stormcloak - Sean BeanLydia - Olivia WildeSheogorath - Sean ConnerySanguine - Jack Black (no idea)Elenwen - Tilda SwintonGeneral Tullius - Jeremy IronsJust a few...

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Lewis_h_91

this is what i think the ideal cast would be.

Dragonborn- Gerard Butler

Esbern- Sean Connery

Delphine- Meryl Streep

Master of Greybeards- Ian McKellen

Paarthurnax- voiced by Morgan Freeman

Alduin- voiced by James Earl Jones

Ulfric- Sean Bean

Tullius- George Clooney

my ideal choice for the Dragonborn would have been Russell Crowe (Gladiator), but i think he is a bit old for the part now. Gerard butler (300) would be just as good if not better.

i prefer the idea as Sean Bean (Sharpe, LOTR, Game of Thrones) as ulfric stormcloak. he has more than enough credentials in the genre and would fit as leader of the rebellion against the empire.

as for the Master of the Greybeards; i dont think the part should go to anyone but Ian McKellen (LOTR,X-men,Da Vinci code) the man is perfect for the part.

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this is what i think the ideal cast would be.

Dragonborn- Gerard Butler

Esbern- Sean Connery

Delphine- Meryl Streep

Master of Greybeards- Ian McKellen

Paarthurnax- voiced by Morgan Freeman

Alduin- voiced by James Earl Jones

Ulfric- Sean Bean

Tullius- George Clooney

my ideal choice for the Dragonborn would have been Russell Crowe (Gladiator), but i think he is a bit old for the part now. Gerard butler (300) would be just as good if not better.

i prefer the idea as Sean Bean (Sharpe, LOTR, Game of Thrones) as ulfric stormcloak. he has more than enough credentials in the genre and would fit as leader of the rebellion against the empire.

as for the Master of the Greybeards; i dont think the part should go to anyone but Ian McKellen (LOTR,X-men,Da Vinci code) the man is perfect for the part.


Random guests are always the best.

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