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Multiple unrelated quests bugging out due to NPC dialogue not triggering

Guest Eatenplace


Guest Eatenplace

I have quite a large thorn in my Skyrim world at the moment and would greatly appreciate any help I can find.

I have played Skyrim on my other PC and have played through most of these quests 2-3 times before with no problems cropping up. This time, I am playing on my newly made, pretty darn fancy, gaming desktop. Now all of a sudden many quest triggers are simply failing to do their job.

The Situation

So far, three seemingly unrelated quests have failed me on my new character and I have hardly done ~15% of the total quests available to a proud dragonborn such as myself.

No amount of reloading helps the situation.

The Details

The first quest this popped up in was Waking Nightmare (DA16). Trouble arose just after I drank Vaermina's Torpor (stage 100 I think) As soon as I enter the dreamstate, I see the two NPCs talking about the invading orcs and how they must release the miasma. However, several lines into the dialogue, the two stop talking and fail to say their next lines. a couple seconds later they just stare at me. I am still immobilized and unable to take any action including talk to either of them.

The second quest was The Silver Hand (C03). When I enter the Underforge and see Skjor and Aela in werewolf form. (stage 15-20) Skjor starts talking about the blessing of the blood, yadda yadda, and then walks to the other side of the room. Again, he forgets his lines and then a couple seconds of silence, their two heads snap to me. I cannot interact with either of them and the only way I was able to progress was by using the console command "setstage C03 20" which did work, but I had to do it several times due to it bugging out future parts of the quest.

The third and final quest that made me put Skyrim on the back burner was First Lessons (MG01). This Winterhold quest I must have done a dozen times without a hitch. I entered the Hall of Elements and ran up to Toldir to trigger the magic shield whatever lesson. He started talking, the students objected to such elementary warning about magic. Then, right as Tolfdir is supposed to ask your opinion on whether this lesson should be skipped, or is an important lesson, he gets a case of tongue-tied-itis. He freezes for a couple seconds, then all NPCs in the room snap their heads in my direction. Everyone of them is tagged as "busy" and I cannot talk to any of them.

I didn't even bother with trying to use console commands to get past this one. I am tired of this nonsense.

I have rambled on for long enough and wish to spare any more of your time. Please, if I left any details out (Nexus Mods I am using for example) feel free to ask.

Please, don't let these bugs tarnish my love for Skyrim. :sad:

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First of all, I hope you are enjoying Skyrim for the PC. Honestly, mods and console commands are worth the trouble. :PI guess what should be said first is thank god you can use console commands, but I understand how constantly having to depend on these can get tiresome and just ruin the experience in general. I'm not too versed in computer gameplay though, but I would recommend things like reinstalling and basics such as that.I just re read your thing about Mods and I understand that installing mods the wrong way can have adverse effects on gameplay, but this is mostly a visual thing. Still something to consider.I'll help more after I look into it a bit more. I'll post again if I have anything new to add.

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Guest Eatenplace

Yeah, if you have a lot of mods installed I'd disable them temporarily and see if that fixes anything.

Sadly I tried this to no avail. I am wondering if Realistic Lighting did some damage to some game files and I may need to delete all local content.I was hoping to wait on re installing Skyrim, but I may have to.
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Guest Eatenplace

Great, I re-installed Skyrim and retried starting First Lessons. Not only is the problem still present, but now two of the three NPCs have no voices at all and aren't triggering the dialogue even sooner. FFS, why is it getting worse?

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Alright, so let me get this straight. Is there just no dialogue at all (i.e. no text or anything)? Or are the NPC's going through their usual motions without audible voices?Oh, and can you link me to your results from the requirement test? Just want to know what your sound card/driver is.

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The characters had no animation and their was no sound. The only thing they did was look back and fourth among each other.

I have since then re installed again the game and that problem has gone away. I have now just yet again used console commands to skip that part of the quest.

The original problem is still present.

Is this the test you were referring to?

CPU Minimum: Info

You Have: AMD Athlonâ„¢ II X4 640 Processor Posted ImagePASSPosted Image

CPU Speed Minimum: Dual Core 2.0 GHz or equivalent processor

You Have: 3.0 GHz Posted ImagePASSPosted Image

RAM Minimum: 2 GB

You Have: 8.2 GB Posted ImagePASSPosted Image

OS Minimum: Windows 7/Vista/XP PC (32 or 64 bit)

You Have: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit Posted ImagePASS.Posted Image

Video Card Minimum: DirectX 9.0c compliant video card with 512 MB of RAM (NOTE: This requirement is NOT yet confirmed by Bethesda - NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GT & ATI Radeon X1800. Please be advised this may change soon).

You Have: GeForce GT 440 Posted ImagePASS

Features: Minimum attributes of your Video Card Required You Have Posted Image Pixel Shader version 3.0 5.0 Posted Image Vertex Shader version 3.0 5.0 Posted Image Dedicated Video RAM 512 MB 1.0 GB

Posted Image Sound Card Minimum: Yes

You Have: High Definition Audio Device Posted ImagePASSPosted Image

Free Disk Space Minimum: 6 GB

You Have: 198.1 GB Posted ImagePASS

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Oh, yeah. Sorry, the threads are running together in my mind today and I must have thought I already linked to that test.I'm going to be honest, I have no idea what the problem would be at this point. I've ran into people who have had problems with the audio files, but your issues go beyond having audible dialogue. I'm not really a PC gamer/enthusiast/expert, so if you feel that the problem is PC-specific (i.e. hardware/software conflicts) you might be better off posting this on a more PC centric forum.


I will say that it is possible that your game save is the issue, which would explain why re-installing the game didn't fix anything (assuming you just reloaded your same previously broken save). Sometimes using console commands during a quest can break things down the line later in the game, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. One quest that was legitimately bugged could have led to others after the console commands were used. Unlikely, maybe, but if creating a new character/save doesn't have any of the same issues, your original save was probably corrupted.

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Guest Galdavant

Funny how you mention this. I am having the same issues. I totally re-installed Skyrim and even deleted my old save files and started fresh. I can't get Ralof to enter the keep. I have been waiting and am now stuck. When I finally got him to enter after several minutes of waiting. He responds very slowly. All the NPC seem to have this issue. Instead of quest triggers happening immediately they take forever.

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I know it has been a few months, but did you ever figure this out? I'm having exactly the same problem. This is the only other place I've found someone having the exact same issue I am having with Waking Nightmare. In addition, I think this same bug is causing "Battle for Solitude" to get stuck. I get to the point where Ulfric is supposed to go outside and give a speech after the quest completes, but he and galmar just stand there. I can attack them, shout at them, etc., but they just stand there.

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