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Spaciouz's Application


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Hello, I am Spaciouz, the brand new Emissary for Subsistence. Matthew quit after real life crept up on him, I think so I was recruited. I believe I require a Clan Friend rank or something along the lines of it so we can make more events.

What is your primary RuneScape account's name? 5paciouz

Your RuneScape account's...

Total Level:

F2P/P2P: P2P

Combat: 99

Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s)?: N/A

Where did you hear about TRR?: N/A

What were your first impressions of us?: N/A

Why do you wish to join our clan?: N/A

Thanks for taking the time out of your day to read this and good luck with your clan!


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Welcome. Posted Image

I'll move this to Diplomacy since you don't need to apply. We no longer have a Clan Friend group, though the default member rank acts as the new equivalent of it so you're all set.

If you browse our forums a bit you'll probably end up on the Elder Souls index, which is a gaming community we launched some months ago (it's currently described as a Skyrim forum but that can be ignored as it's being converted). Just don't be alarmed, we weren't defaced and you can find the TRR index again by typing in trr.eldersouls.com or clicking "RuneScape" on the main page.

Looking forward to working with you.

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Thank You very much, and sorry about the place. =D Look forward to working with you too.

Hi Spaciouz, I'm Constancio The RuneScape Rebelz's Clan LeaderI'm willing to work with you guys again, but if you're not willing to keep the Diplomacy between us we will severe our ties once more and probably for the last time.
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