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Favourite Armour


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The Nighingales Armor is definitely fantastic. I would use it constantly if I could have put my own enchantments on it. It's too bad Bethesda does that to me in every TES game. :)As for heavy armor, I'd have to go with Daedric. I've been using it for ages though so I'll probably get tired of it and switch it out soon.

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I got it while getting 100 smithing (the armor requires 90) by crafting it myself. I'm about level 46 in the game and I've actually yet to come across NPC's wearing it, nor have I found it as loot in chests; so it must be pretty damn rare even at high levels. Your best bet is definitely going to be to just make your own.

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  • 4 weeks later...

At the moment I wear Nightingale Armour, gauntlets and boots with the Krosis Dragon priest mask and that looks fantastic. I'm hanging to get Linwe's armour though, which is basically a sleeveless, grey Thieve's Guild Armour. Which would look greatwith the Krosis :)

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Myself, I prefer the look of steel armour.-Steel Armor (with shoulderplates).-Steel imperial gauntlets (no alligence, just the emblem of the dragon is enjoyable).-Steel shin boots (I like both boots, and even though it's no different stat-wise, i like to think that when i wear heavy armor and can't move as easily, that i'm well protected)-Steel helmet (No horns, i like the idea, but ever since i've been heavy into ancient history, fuedal japan, mainly the victorian age in england, the medieval ages, not many men-at-arms had such atire for the headgear, so i try to keep it realistic, and i just like it more).I always wear enchanted gear, of the best i have wear its dragon scale for light armor, or daedric for heavy. That's only until i get my house however. When i get my house, i organize it totally & completely, and i keep regular villager clothes, a wood axe, simple armor for questing or raiding bandit camps or fortresses and the like for treasure. I spend time in town bartering what i have, buying and selling pelts, alchemy ingrediants, food, drink, etc. I don't fast travel too too often, since just traveling by foot places has found some rather interesting quests, forts areas etc.When im hunting, I usally carry a bow, wearing clothing or light armor, such as hide, studded, or leather, wearing elven, glass or dragonscale just isn't practical. I also like to go "fishing" working at mills for a little coin, and the like, living off of what I can do, the rift is by far my favorite area in skyrim, as well as the house. I always thought that whiterun had the best hunting for herbivores such as deer, elk. sometimes find wolves or sabre cats. I also thought that winterhold/Windhelm was the best area for big game; Snow bears, Snowy sabre cats and other creatures like ice wraiths, and a good area for food and some little coin from horkers. but Riften has evrything, all kinds of alchemy ingrediants, mining, for hunting, theres NUMEROUS wolves, bears, cave bears, elk, deer, goats, rabbits, not too many sabre cats, but a few, and i like the scenery the best.The only thing I don't like about the rift is the cursed black briars and theives guild (since my character is a nord, and i always model my characters after myself.) He fights for all of skyrim, his homeland which is the exact reason he hasn't picked a side in the war, because in the long run it will destroy his beloved home., He's already dispatched of the less than adequate assassins guild, the dark brotherhood. I'm trying to find a way to destroy the wretched black briars and theives, but theres likely no way to do so, only one i could find to kill was dirge, which was fun enough, but not enough damage to the guild to be worth being called a blow to them.So, to answer your question, its thisHeavy armor: Steel, because its classic, strong, sturdy, and dependeble armor for men-at-arms to rely on.Light armor:Leather, but without the helmet, and i enjoy hide/studded armor as well. I enjoy the simple things, which is why i spend a portion of the game as a villager/miner/hunter/fisher/alchemist/explorer etc. Eat every day, sleep at night when I can etc.Clothing: A wide assortment, depending on the occasion, or what im doing.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've actually yet to come across NPC's wearing it. Your best bet is definitely going to be to just make your own.

I once tried to use the Sanguine Rose to get the armor till I figgured out thirty minutes later that u couldnt loot that deadra, it broke my heart

I wear the Nightingale Armor exept for the chest, there i wear the Ebony Mail.

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  • 2 months later...

i don't know if it counts but i like the archmage robes a lot especially with morokei and elven gauntlets and boots (again if it counts)i also like the nightingale armor and guild masters armor a lot too

Yeah they all count. Really like the archmage robes too.Actually all of the mage robes look pretty cool. With the pouch and everything.
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I personally hated the Archmage's armor. Just looks kind of out there and ridiculous compared to the other mage apparel in both Skyrim and the arch-mage apparel of previous games. It looked more tribal than "Skyrim," jmo. It also really pissed me off that you couldn't enchant it yourself. The Thalmor mage armor looks better in my opinion.Nightingale armor gets my vote, but again, extremely annoyed it's not enchantable. I don't know why Bethesda dumbed down the customizability so much, it;s my main complaint with the game as a whole.

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Yeah. Kind of wished they did what they did with the Dark Brotherhood armor and supply an unenchanted set in the guild. Although I kind of see why they wouldn't do that with Nightingale armor. All in all, I wish I had Skyrim on a good PC.I used to go shirtless in Oblivion all the time. Too bad there isn't a lot of shirtless armors in Skyrim.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Wow this is a toughy, I've never really thought about it but I do like to keep it simple mainly steel for heavy and scaled for light, but weapons!!! That is a totally different story I run around with daedric and dragonbone weapons. Mainly because I don't really need amazing armor but I need a good weapon for adventuring and such so yea steel and scaled have my vote

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