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Alchemy Question ?

Guest Quest


Guest Quest

I might be answering my own question but I just wanted to check.When you pull up your ingredient list when you are making a potion you see the Potions you want, and it list the ingredients that you can use to make that Potion, but if those ingredients you choose happen to make another type of potion it will make that instead and hence you can’t make a potion you want even if you are highlighting the potion type. For example, can’t remember what they were, but I choose two ingredients that I was using to make “Resist Fire†then I “Discovered†more effects of those ingredients and now those same two make a “Enchance Two-Handed†and I can’t make the resist fire I used to, which I need BTW.It appears that you do not have the ability to choose what effect you want once you discover multiple effects of an ingredient, Right?

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I believe If two ingredients can make multiple potions it just crafts the one that has the highest value, though I could be wrong. With that said, I also think that it only does it when the effects that result in the new potion haven't been discovered yet. I'll have to test it a bit later.

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i'm not sure on the specifics, however, if you would like to check out the large Alchemy guide I published on this site, you could gather the rest of the resist fire ingredients from a local alchemist (such as in whiterun or solitude) and when you go to craft it, go under the resist fire tab, and pick out your ingredients and hopefully it'll make what you asked it to. hope this helped a little bit, i, along with David, need to test this more to give a fully accurate responce. stick around and hopefully we'll have your answer :D

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