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Markarth City Shields

Guest Adam


I think I already know the answer to this and it may be a stupid question but is there anyway I can get a Markarth's guard's shield because, I have joined the stormcloaks and liberated the Reach so now there are only stormcloaks in Markarth. Is there any in caves or anywhere like that?Thanks in advance.

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I'd imagine there would be leftover equipment in Markarth's guard tower. That's the first place you should look - check all of the clothes drawers and containers and what-not.Let us know if you find it there. If not, just reply back and we'll give more suggestions. I'm on my phone atm so sorry if this isn't the best answer.You should also consider creating an account here. :)

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You could also try looking in the area around the Jarl and places like Markarth's dungeon/jail. Again, no guarantees since the only known location is ON a guard. I find it hard to believe that there wouldn't be a few left as normal items in Markarth though. Maybe the stores have some on display.

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I'll have a look on the stores walls, thanks Traaginen.Unfortunately I don't think there is one in the guard tower, the only shield I could find was a steel one.Markarth houses and shops arent looking too good either but if anyone does find one, please tell me.Thanks :)

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i just looked, there is one in there :DIf anyone wants to know, after the horkers, there is a room with chests and cages etc, go up a ladder resting against shelves on the left and its on one of the shelves.As i said, i dont know if you'll read this Duc but thankyou very much. :)

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