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Your Race and Skills/Perks?


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Heya everyone!How are you all doing? This post is to let everyone post what race they are, what skills they have, and so on.So for starters, I'll go first.My race is a Khajiit, Sneak skill is about 70, I dual wield a Sword (Ebony), and a Dagger (Ebony also), so i can get a 30x damage with sneaking people, and when they get up close and personal, i use the sword.Also I have a little tip for anyone who wants to get great at smithing, real fast.Read the next topic if you want to learn how to "grind" smithing.Don't Forget To Post! :D

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Great idea for a thread. Welcome to the site by the way, mind if I asked how you found us? :DI use a High Elf. Master level Conjuration, Destruction, Smithing, and Enchanting. Normally I'm either dual-casting spells or using an enchant sword in one hand and a spell in the other.

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I'm Imperial (seemed the most normal looking to me), and I use a Daedric Sword with fast healing. Seems to be pretty effective to me.I used to use magic a lot, but meh, it just doesn't have as much damage. :(Master sneak, enchanting, smithing and maybe another one or two. :D Nearly have 100 one-handed though.

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Had trouble reading your post. Then I realized I was wearing a towel. After I got dressed, I understood it.Currently I'm a High Elf. Pure mage so I'm always dual casting and conjuring. For destruction I have impact, improve damage for fire frost and lighting and stuff like that. For enchanting I'm climbing the middle tree. For conjuring I might clime both the atornarch and the zombie tree. Restoration I'm just picking up some perks like recovery and necromage. And finally for alteration, I'm ultimately going for atronarch, but I'm not sure if I should get mage armor or magic resistance.

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Do Dark Elves make decent spellswords? I figured a Redguard would be pretty good with that.

They do:) the boost in destruction magic helps elves. red guards make good battle mages. Dark elves make better spells swords. (battle Mage: 1h sword. Destruction in other. Spell sword: Bound 1h sword. Destruction in other. Both [imho] can use atronachs/ undead)
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