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Stormcloaks as city guards?

Guest TheAngryBreton


Guest TheAngryBreton

Ive just completed the stormcloak quest line and killed tullius. Later i noticed that all the guards in all the cities (exept for some small ones like dawnstar) had their guards replaced with stormcloak guards.Will the guards go back to normal when ulfric has been selected as king or will it be like this forever. I hope not because it takes a lot of feeling from the game.

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Just to tell you now, Ulfric won't become High King in the game. Maybe there might be a DLC for this, but as of now, he won't officially become king in the game.That being said, the Stormcloak guards should remain the guards of all former Imperial holds for the rest of the game.

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I've never done the Stormcloak side of the Civil War quests, but as far as I remember, only the holds that were held by the other side is occupied by the soldiers. The guards that were in the Stormcloak cities were loyal to Ulfric, so there isn't a reason for them to be replaced.You can check this by going to cities like Windhelm or Winterhold and see if they have Stormcloak soldiers or their original guards.

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