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Potion Effects with their ingredients

Unknown ProbLem

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Alchemy Effects Guide

This guide will outline the ingredients for every single potion

Enjoy this guide, it's 1 of 3 in a "series"

-By Unknown ProbLem


Cure Disease: [*]Charred Skeever Hide [*]Hark Feathers [*]Mudcrab Chitin [*]Vampire Dust
Damage Health: [*]Crimson Nirnroot [*]Deathbell [*]Ectoplasm [*]Falmer Ear [*]Human Flesh [*]Human Heart [*]Imp Stool [*]Jarrin Root [*]Nightshade [*]Nirnroot [*]Red Mountain Flower [*]River Betty [*]Skeever Tail [*]Small Antlers [*]Troll Fat [*]Void Salts
Damage Magicka: [*]Butterfly Wing [*]Chaurus Eggs [*]Daedra Heart [*]Eye of Sabre Cat [*]Glow Dust [*]Hagraven Feathers [*]Hanging Moss [*]Human Heart [*]Jarrin Root [*]Luna Moth Wing [*]Namira's Rot [*]Nordic Barnacle
Damage Magicka Regen: [*]Bear claws [*]Blue Butterfly Wing [*]Blue Mountain Flower [*]Ckicken's Egg [*]Glow Dust [*]Hanging Moss [*]Human Heart [*]Jarrin Root [*]Nightshade [*]Spider Egg [*]Spriggan Sap
Damage Stamina: [*]Berit's Ashes [*]Blisterwort [*]Blue Butterfly Wing [*]Bone Meal [*]Canis Root [*]Crimson Nirnroot [*]Cyrodilic Spadetail [*]Giant's Toe [*]Jarrin Root [*]Nirnroot [*]Rock Warbler Egg [*]Spider Egg
Damage Stamina Regen: [*]Creep Cluster [*]Daedra Heart [*]frost Mirriam [*]Giant's Toe [*]Histcarp [*]Juniper Berries [*]Large Antlers [*]Silverside Perch [*]Skeever Tail [*]Wheat
Fear: [*]Blue Dartwing [*]Cyrodilic Spadetail [*]Daedra heart [*]Namira's Rot [*]Powdered Mammoth Tusk
Fortify Alteration: [*]Grass Pod [*]River Betty [*]Spriggan Sap
Fortify Barter: [*]Butterfly Wing [*]Dragon's tongue [*]Hagraven Claw [*]Tundra Cotton
Fortify Block: [*]Bleeding Crown [*]Briar Heart [*]Honeycomb [*]Pearl [*]Slaughterfish Scales [*]Tundra Cotton
Fortify Carry Weight: [*]Creep Cluster [*]Giant's Toe [*]Hawk Beak [*]River Betty [*]Scaly Pholiota [*]Wisp Wrappings
Fortify Conjuration: [*]Berit's Ashes [*]Blue Butterfly Wing [*]Blue Mountain Flower [*]Bone Meal [*]Frost Salts [*]Hagraven Feathers [*]Lavender
Fortify Destruction: [*]Beehive Husk [*]Ectoplasm [*]Glow Dust [*]Glowing Mushroom [*]Nightshade [*]Wisp Wrappings
Fortify Enchanting: (Used in another Glitch) [*]Blue Buttefly Wing [*]Hagraven Claw [*]Snowbberries [*]Spriggan Sap
Fortify Health: [*]Bear Claws [*]Blue Mountain Flower [*]Giant's Toe [*]Glowing Mushroom [*]Hanging Moss [*]Wheat
Fortify Heavy Armor: [*]Ice wraith Teeth [*]Sabre Cat Tooth [*]Slaughterfish Scales [*]Thistle Branch [*]White Cap
Fortify Illusion: [*]Dragon's Tongue [*]Dwarven Oil [*]Mora Tapinella [*]Scaly Pholiota [*]Taproot
Fortify Light Armor: [*]Beehive Husk [*]Hawk Feathers [*]Honeycomb [*]Luna Moth Wing [*]Skeever Tail
Fortify Lockpicking: [*]Falmer Ear [*]Namira's Rot [*]Pine Thrust Egg [*]Spider Egg
Fortify Magicka: [*]Briar Heart [*]Ectoplasm [*]Histcarp [*]Jazbay Grapes [*]Red Mountain Flower [*]Tundra Cotton [*]Void Salts
Fortify Marksman: [*]Canis Root [*]Elves Ear [*]Juniper Berries [*]Spider Egg
Fortify One-Handed: [*]Bear Claws [*]Canis Root [*]Hanging Moss [*]Hawk Feathers [*]Rock Warbler Egg [*]Small Pearl
Fortify Pickpocket: [*]Blue Dartwing [*]Nordic Barnacle [*]Orange Dartwing [*]Slaughterfish Egg
Fortify Restoration: (Used for another Glitch) [*]Abecean Longfin [*]Cyrodilic Spadetail [*]Salt Pile [*]Small Antlers [*]Small Pearl
Fortify Smithing: (Used for another Glitch) [*]Blisterwort [*]Glowing Mushroom [*]Sabre Cat Tooth [*]Spriggan Sap
Fortify Sneak: [*]Abecean Longfin [*]Beehive Husk [*]Frost Mirriam [*]Hawk Feathers [*]Human Flesh [*]Powdered Mammoth Tusk [*]Purple Mountain Flower
Fortify Stamina: [*]Chaurus Eggs [*]Garlic [*]Large Antlers [*]Lavender [*]Slaughterfish Egg [*]Torchbug Thorax
Fortify Two-Handed: [*]Dragon's Tongue [*]Fly Amanita [*]Troll Fat
Frenzy: [*]Blisterwort [*]Falmer Ear [*]Fly Amanita [*]Hagraven Feathers [*]Human Heart [*]Troll Fat
Invisibility: [*]Chaurus Eggs [*]Crimson Nirnroot [*]Ice Wraith Teeth [*]Luna Moth Wing [*]Nirnroot [*]Vampire Dust
Lingering Damage Health: [*]Imp Stool [*]Mora tapinella [*]Orange Dartwing [*]Slaughterfish Egg [*]Slaughterfish Scales
Lingering Damage Magicka: [*]Hagraven Claw [*]Purple Mountain Flower [*]Swamp Fungal Pod [*]Torchbug Thorax [*]Wheat
Lingering Damage Stamina: [*]Butterfly Wing [*]Chicken's Egg [*]Nightshade [*]Small Antlers
Paralysis: [*]Briar Heart [*]Canis Root [*]Human Flesh [*]Imp Stool [*]Swamp Fungal Pod
Ravage Health: [*]Cyrodilic Spadetail [*]Eye of Sabre Cat [*]Giant Lichen [*]Jazbay Grapes [*]Silverside Perch [*]Skeever Tail
Ravage Magicka: [*]Frost Mirriam [*]Grass Pod [*]Lavender [*]Orange Dartwing [*]Red Mountain Flower [*]White Cap
Ravage Stamina: [*]Bee [*]Berit's Ashes [*]Bone Meal [*]Deathbell [*]Honeycomb [*]Thistle Branch
Regenerate Health: [*]Garlic [*]Juniper Berries [*]Luna Moth Wing [*]Namira's Rot [*]Nordic Barnacle [*]Vampire Dust
Regenerate Magicka: [*]Dwarven Oil [*]Fire Salts [*]Garlic [*]Jazbay Grapes [*]Moon Sugar [*]Salt Pile [*]Taproot
Regenerate Stamina: [*]Bee [*]Fly Amanita [*]Mora Tapinella [*]Scaly Pholiota
Resist Fire: [*]Berit's Ashes [*]Bone Meal [*]Dragon's Tongue [*]Elves Ear [*]Fire Salts [*]Fly Amanita [*]Mudcrab Chitin [*]Snowberries
Resist Frost: [*]Frost Mirriam [*]Frost Salts [*]Hawk Beak [*]Moon Sugar [*]Purple Mountain Flower [*]Silverside Perch [*]Slaughterfish Scales [*]Small Pearl [*]Snowberries [*]Thistle Branch
Resist Magic: [*]Bleeding Crown [*]Chicken's Egg [*]Crimson Nirnroot [*]Hagraven Claw [*]Lavender [*]Nirnroot [*]Tundra Cotton [*]Void Salts [*]Wisp Wrappings
Resist Poison: [*]Beehive Husk [*]Charred Skeever Hide [*]Falmer Ear [*]Garlic [*]Grass Pod [*]Mudcrab Chitin [*]Slaughterfish Egg [*]Thistle Branch [*]Troll Fat
Resist Shock: [*]Blue Dartwing [*]Glow Dust [*]Glowing Mustroom [*]Hawk Beak [*]Pearl [*]Pine Thrush Egg [*]Snowberries [*]Swamp Fungal Pod
Restore Health: [*]Blisterwort [*]Blue Dartwing [*]Blue Mountain Flower [*]Butterfly Wing [*]Charred Skeever Hide [*]Daedra Heart [*]Eye of Sabre Cat [*]Imp Stool [*]Rock Warbler Egg [*]Swamp Fungal POd [*]Wheat
Restore Magicka: [*]Briar Heart [*]Creep Cluster [*]Dwarven Oil [*]Ectoplasm [*]Elves Ear [*]Fire Salts [*]Frost Salts [*]Giant Lichen [*]Grass Pod [*]Human Flesh [*]Moon Sugar [*]Mora Tapinella [*]Pearl [*]Red Mountain Flower [*]Taproot [*]Vampire Dust [*]White Cap
Restore Stamina: [*]Bear Claws [*]Bee [*]Charred Skeever Hide [*]Eve of Sabre Cat [*]Hawk Beak [*]Histcarp [*]Honeycomb [*]Larger Antlers [*]Mudcrab Chitin [*]Orange Dartwing [*]Pearl [*]Pine Thrush Egg [*]Powdered Mammoth Tusk [*]Purple Mountain FLower [*]Sabre Cat Tooth [*]Silverside Perch [*]Small Pearl [*]Torchbug Thorax [*]Wisp Wrappings
Slow: [*]Deathbell [*]Large Antlers [*]River Betty [*]Salt Pile
Waterbreathing: [*]Chicken's Egg [*]Histcarp [*]Nordic Barnacle
Weakness to Fire: [*]Bleeding Crown [*]Frost Salts [*]Ice Wraith Teeth [*]Juniper Berries [*]Moon Sugar [*]Powdered Mammoth Tusk
Weakness to Frost: [*]Abecean Longfin [*]Elves Ear [*]Fire Salts [*]Ice Wraith Teeth [*]White Cap
Weakness to Magic: [*]Creep Cluster [*]Dwarven Oil [*]Jazbay Grapes [*]Rock Warbler Egg [*]Salt Pile [*]Scaly Pholiota [*]Taproot [*]Torchbug Thorax
Weakness to Poison: [*]Abecean Longfin [*]Bleeding Crown [*]Chaurus Eggs [*]Deathbell [*]Giant Lichen [*]Pine Thrush Egg [*]Sabre Cat Tooh [*]Small Antlers
Weakness to Shock: [*]Bee [*]Giant Lichen [*]Hagraven Feathers [*]Void Salts
Enjoy this guide everyone!
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Looks great so far, this would definitely have been a huge help for me when I went for Master Alchemy. I think this is something that I could promote to a featured guide on the main page.

Two suggestions I have:

    [*]List it in table format

    [*]List all of the ingredients in the same way you currently have potions listed, and then list the potions that they could make. For example...

Giant Lichen:

    [*]Weakness to shock

    [*]Restore Magicka

    [*]Ravage Health

    [*]Weakness to Poison

I'll include the table details in PM.

This is just a "maybe" thing you could do. I know when I was training alchemy I often had tons of ingredients without knowing what they were for, so the ingredients -> potions list would probably be more helpful for something that's power-leveling. The other way would be better for people trying to get potions, so to each their own.

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I decided to post a Reply on this as a 1.5 with it reversed in Table form to help power levelers and such and hopefully there would be enough colors that I could maybe even color code the effects in the Table. Just a thought on paper for now, ha.

Edit: In slight fear of it being too long, and somehow losing the progress on 1.5 I'll be posting it as a New guide, hopefully everyone can enjoy both sides of it.

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