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Getting to know each other!


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lol. apolly, everytime i bitched about working at restaurants, made sure bosses and co-workers couldnt see.. im no idiot huy, people always were putting up things with my drinking..[pic/vid of me snorting beer thru a $5. was pretty funny] but thats whatever. girls got me in trouble. i was just talking and hanging out wiht couple girls... and facebook keeps nothing private. and whats the point of havig a facebook if noone can see anything lol

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Runescape name: Swagniff

Real life name: David Smits


Are TRR members allowed to add you?: No sorry I only add people I know in person

Age: 17

Country+timezone: Tanzania GMT+2 (I am from the Netherlands though)

School/University/Work: HOPAC (International school in Dar es Salaam)

Hobbies: Well Runescape of course

Sports: Football AKA "Soccer"

Favorite athletes: -

Favorite sports club: Manchester United

# Years you have been playing RS: 6

Time you've been in TRR: about two weeks

What you usually do when playing RS: Slayer or Questing

Why the Name Swagniff: It's a nickname that was given to me by a friend... (It's short for Swagnifficent)

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