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Fortify Archery

Guest Sondre


Guest Sondre
I know about the fortify archery and how it gives you 13 % better bow damage. But I saw that you can get higher levels of the archery enchantment so that the percent of damage would increase. My question is how do I get to these higher levels of archery enchantment ?
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You seem to be confused by how the enchanting system works. When you disenchant an object you unlock the enchantment, not the value (in your case 13%) that was bonded with that object. You probably can't get higher than 13% because of either your current enchanting level, the perks you have invested in enchanting, or the type of gem you are using.Anyway, to raise a skill enchantment, use a grand soul gem with a grand soul, raise your enchant level, drink an enchant potion prior to enchanting, or add perks to the middle path of the enchanting perk tree.

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As Blexun said, to maximize the strength of your enchanted item achieve the following:

    [*]Use a filled Grand Soul gem (or the equivalent filled Azura's/Black Star).

    [*]Max your enchanting level.

    [*]Achieve the appropriate perks in the perk tree. For your question, you will AT LEAST want to achieve all five of the "Enchanter" perks and "Insightful Enchanter". However, since Enchanting is EXTREMELY beneficial in the game it's recommended that you get up every perk in the middle of the tree up to "Extra Effect".

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    [*]You can also "boost" the skill using potions. If you boost alchemy by enchanting clothes, and then boost enchanting with the resulting potions... Well, the loop goes on. The above recommendations will probably be enough though.

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