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Guest thedominantone


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So let me make sure I understand the question. Are you saying that your wife died, you left the spot where she was at, and you want to know if she'll be there and could you revive her?There is a very good chance that her body will be wherever you left it. I once accidentally killed Lydia outside of Whiterun and her body was there the whole game. I know sometimes bodies are put on display in the town's Hall of the Dead. This may only apply if the wife died inside a city, but it is worth noting.Now, as far as reviving your wife, I'm assuming you mean the zombie spells. Note that even though you can "revive" her in the sense she is walking around, she is a zombie. You can't talk to her for money, food, or anything. She'll just follow you forever. Now I personally don't need my wife cramping my Dragonborn's style, but that is just me.Now, as long as the spell is strong enough, it will revive her. For example, the spell Raise Zombie is the weakest zombie spell and may not be strong enough to reanimate your wife. Revenant, however, is stronger and may be needed for your wife. But with zombie spells, you run into another problem. Most of the zombie spells have a time limit. After that time limit is up, the body you reanimated turns into ash. There is no way to stop this spell from running out and there is no way to cast it on the same body after it turns into ash. The one zombie spell that doesn't turn the corpse to ash when it is over is Dead Thrall, which requires 100 Conjuration. That reanimates a very powerful human body until it dies. If/when it dies, you can just cast it on the body again and continue on your way.Again, if your wife is a zombie, she won't interact with you at all. She'll just follow you and make pathetic attempts at combat.

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