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Can't get a companion

Guest Trevs17


Guest Trevs17

I was playing skyrim then was wanted in markarth, so instead of going to jail i killed all the guards with farkas as my compainion. (Not sheild brother). While i was killing these guards, Farkas stepped in front of me as i took a swing and it killed him. when i go back to markarth, he is still dead on the ground and i can shearch him. So i wanted a new compainion, but when ever I ask anyone to follow me, they say, "It looks like you already have someone with you." please help, because it would be great to have a new compainion to hold all my awsome stuff i find.


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I'm not too good with follower problems, but I'll tell you some generic fixes that usually work

[*]Try waiting 3 days. Followers usually reset after this time.

[*]Start a quest that requires a follower. I think that will force any follower you have to leave.

[*]And as always, you can load a new save. Not sure how far back it was since Farkas died though.

On a side note, how great is Farkas for stepping between you and that guard?


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Same happened to me. I had a bunch of guards on me so i killed them all and accidentally killed my follower but then i found out that i was in the middle of a quest the required a follower but the guy wasn't following me. He was gonna met me somewhere so i met him did the quest and it finally worked (it was a companions mission can't remember which though). Tell me if this works for you. :P

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Are you sure that you don't have an incomplete quest that gives you a follower? Sometimes that's the issue - check all of your active quests and make sure there aren't any like that.Oh, and was Farkas your follower because you were completing the quest that forces him to follow you, or was it after you completed that quest?

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