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The 8 Divines

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I';ve actually committed the basic things each god stands for to memory (shoot me now). For you though, I looked up a bit more on each. :PAkatosh-God of Time. The chief deity of the Divines. Commonly depicted as both a dragon and man. He took the form of a dragon when killing Mehrunes Dagon. He represents the qualities of legitimacy, endurance, and invincibility.Arkay-God of Life and Death. "The Cycle of Birth and Death" or "The Mortal';s God" if you prefer to call it that. Depending on the times, worship of Arkay was more important than that of Akatosh. Stands for joy, sorrow, fertility, and blight. Basically stood for a blessed neutrality. Imperial tradition maintains that he was once a mortal. Son of Akatosh.Mara-Goddess of Love. Considered the "Mother Goddess" who mothered Arkay with Akatosh. All about honoring your family and friends and preserving peace of your home and family.Dibella-Goddess of Beauty and Love. While Mara is focused on more family love and keeping peace within, Dibella is focused on love between you and your significant other. Was the inspiration for a variety of cults, such as one for artist and aesthetics, honoring the Beauty side of her, and one for erotic institution, honoring the Love aspect (probably a bit too literally).Julianos-God of Wisdom and Logic. Often associated with Jhunal, Nordic father of language and mathematics. Stands for law, history, literature, and contradiction. Some of it's highest worshipers are tasked with protecting the Elder Scrolls.Kynareth-Goddess of Air, Wind, and Sky. Called Kyne by the Nords. Patron to sailors and travelers. In some legends, it was she who agreed to create the mortal plane and provided a space in the void to do so. Stands for the heavens, the wind, the elements, and the unseen spirits of the air.Stendarr-God of Righteousness, sometimes called God of Mercy. A more professional and accurate title is "God of Righteous Might and Merciful Forbearance". An inspiration to rulers and the patron to the Imperial Legion. Most well known cult is the Vigilants of Stendarr, who kill creatures with no compassion for mortals, such as vampires, werewolves, and daedra.Zenithar-God of Wealth, Labor, and Commerce. Stands for success and prosperity not through war or bloodshed, but through earnest work and honest profit. Patron for the middle class and merchants.Although you asked for the divines that are universally accepted, I can't leave out the ninth.Talos-Protector of Just Rulership and Civil Society. The only divine that certaintly used to be mortal. Although Talos is his "Nord name", he is known as Tiber Septim in the south, where he served as emperor. Also called Ysmir by the Nords. The Patron for adventurers and heroes. Conqurered all of Tamirel and ushered in the Third Era. Was a Dragonborn, having mastered the way of the Voice.

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