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Amulet of Mara - Book of Love HELP!

Guest Andres


Guest Andres

Hello, So I am having much difficulty with the Book of Love quest. Before I got this quest I already had two Amulet's of Mara. One I found and another I stole from somewhere. So I get this third one where I am told to wear and go to the ghost. I put it on my quest log updates and it shows where I am suppossed to go. The problem is I took it off, so the quest log took off that update. Now I have three amulet's in my inventory (it says stolen at the top when I look at it) and when I try putting it on it doesnt update my quest log. I can't sell the other ones or store them away or give them away I am stuck with them and the quest isn't updating when I put it on! I don' t know what to do!Anyone know of a way I can fix this it's soooo annoying. I even go to the spot where I am suppossed to find the ghost, but nothign appears... even when I put on the amulet.I am in need of some help.. please!

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Guest Clarke

I just realized I ran into this same exact problem too and wanted to see if anyone had an answer. Looks like not. So what I'm gonna have to do is drop all of my gear off at my house, commit a small crime, and have the guards confiscate all of my stolen goods, so I can be rid of that annoying "stolen" Amulet of Mara that is stacked on top. Gah, how retarded is that? And I just tried pulling out 30 Giant Toes and 30 Wheat I had to start leveling up my alchemy, only to notice that it wouldn't let me even USE ANY TOES for alchemy combinations since ONE is needed for some random quest. And now it won't even let me store them again until I complete that one quest! Come on Bethesda. Fix this retardedness. :-)

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  On 4/1/2012 at 7:00 AM, 'Clarke said:

I just realized I ran into this same exact problem too and wanted to see if anyone had an answer. Looks like not. So what I'm gonna have to do is drop all of my gear off at my house, commit a small crime, and have the guards confiscate all of my stolen goods, so I can be rid of that annoying "stolen" Amulet of Mara that is stacked on top. Gah, how retarded is that? And I just tried pulling out 30 Giant Toes and 30 Wheat I had to start leveling up my alchemy, only to notice that it wouldn't let me even USE ANY TOES for alchemy combinations since ONE is needed for some random quest. And now it won't even let me store them again until I complete that one quest! Come on Bethesda. Fix this retardedness. :-)

doing that but and saying pay of bonty and not the go to jail one, worked for me it let me get the stolen one out of the invet and let me finish the quest.
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Hm, I've never heard of that. There might only be one amulet of mara associated with the quest, have you tried putting all of the amulets on to see if one of them works? If you're trying to equip the wrong one every time, it won't matter - the quest won't move forward. Some quests have items with unique ID's that are necessary for progress, even though they appear the same as other generic items.As far as the ghost (Ruki) not appearing, that might not even be associated with the amulet issue. The amulet thing may not even matter, since there's a known bug when the ghost does not appear regardless. If this is the issue, try this fix...


Another possible fix for this bug appears to be removing the Amulet of Mara, after speaking to Fenrig and travelling back to Ruki. If Fenrig disappears and you are unable to interact with Ruki, enter the items menu, remove the amulet and then exit the menu. The quest should update and inform you to equip the amulet and Ruki should disappear. If you then re-equip the amulet and wait a few moments, Ruki will appear again and not long after move to interact with Fenrig, who also should have appeared nearby.

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Guest Andres

Well the problem is it stacks the amulets up. So, it says 'Amulet of Mara (3) Stolen'. It doesn't let me drop any of the three or really remove any from inventory at all. When I first got it and put it on it the quest book updated and it showed me the location of the ghost, but when I took it off the quest book went back to 'Put on the Amulet of Mara'. Now when I put it on it does nothing, doesn't update at all. I'm guessing it's putting on the stolen one and not the one I receieved. So, I am unsure how to get the right one on. This is all on the Xbox version.

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im having this same problem. when i try to drop them, it won't let me drop any of them, because of them staking, and it counting them as a quest item, i've tried to re-equip the items in a way to go though them. but to no luck with it updating. from what i looked up the amulet you get for the quest does not have a diffrent id to it

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Wish I could help, but quite honestly, I've never done this quest before. Guess I should remember to make sure I have no Amulet of Mara's prior to starting it. I guess this is just a short-sightedness of Bethesda, just like how if you pick up a Briarheart before doing the White Phial quest then it wouldn't let you finish it. That was fixed by a relatively new patch, but you get my point.Thanks for all the user submitted fixes though. From what I know, this is a relatively common problem and it is sure to help somebody, or at least give them a bit fixes to play around with.

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WOW Truly amazing! Awesome, IT WORKED! Thank you so much! I went to jail and it got taken off, then I was able to put it on and finish the quest! Thank you so much!

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Guest Simonka

I am having the same issue. I have two amulets, but none of them is stolen, so going to jail does not help as I still have 2 Amulets once I am out of jail.Any other Idea?Thanks!

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Guest blackswordsman

If it wont let you finish the quest and you only have two it has to be one of them so equip one and if it dosnt let you do the quest, equip the other one without taking the one your wearing off. that way your switching between the two instead of stacking and trying the same one on over and over. good luck

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Guest johninman

I have 8 amulets ive went to jail ive cycled through and ive payed several bounties to try to get it to work. Idk what to do and its severely frustrating

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