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Guild Wars 2

Eric the Bard

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So... What about that Guild Wars 2 eh?

I'm really looking forward to this game. I honestly can't wait. I think I'll pre-purchase the day it become available. It looks really awesome. If you haven't heard about it I suggest you check it out. The Yogscast have some really kewl videos of it.

So, any chance GW2 will be a part of this guild as well?

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So, any chance GW2 will be a part of this guild as well?

Eh, it could be. One of the ideas that I threw around with this extended gaming community was hosting numerous specific clans/communities from other games, such as WoW. Ideally though, these would already be existing, well-established groups that would bring a lot of new members after they agreed to come here. Then we'd just make an individual community site like the one TRR has within ES.As far as general discussion though, it would be great if we could someday reach a point where we could have numerous forums based on each game. Alas, that's a looong ways off as far as activity is concerned. :(
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Eh, it could be. One of the ideas that I threw around with this extended gaming community was hosting numerous specific clans/communities from other games, such as WoW. Ideally though, these would already be existing, well-established groups that would bring a lot of new members after they agreed to come here.

Well, even though it's not out yet, it's already tons of guilds out there.
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  • 3 months later...

think you get access to the full game 2 weeks early as well?

I wish, just 3 days earlier. I've bought it though and fixed up my computer to play the heck out of it this weekend. We should make a GW2 section on the forums, even if it's only three people. I would probably post a bit. Alltough I'm not good at events.
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ok so erm this GAME IS FKN SICK!!! played the beta for the first time today.its like wow but on a super drug and completely different in so many ways.please get this game you wont regret it

I agree. I love this game! The WvW is pretty epic, and it can turn around really fast. Yesterday we were loosing really bad, but today we made lots of siege quipment and now have the most buildings.Personally I like the Norn area best. I got my Norn Necromancer to level 12. I tought the Sylvari was kinda boring, and the Asura was alright. The thing I dislike the most is that your character is always so cocky and everyone is praising you...
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I agree. I love this game! The WvW is pretty epic, and it can turn around really fast. Yesterday we were loosing really bad, but today we made lots of siege quipment and now have the most buildings.Personally I like the Norn area best. I got my Norn Necromancer to level 12. I tought the Sylvari was kinda boring, and the Asura was alright. The thing I dislike the most is that your character is always so cocky and everyone is praising you...

yer I agree, would be nice to have a choice between voices as well, I couldnt play asura because of his attitude lmaoWhat server you playing on? we need to get all this sorted before the big day? lolIts more like D3 on crack with thousands of other players.
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Its more like D3 on crack with thousands of other players.

^^ I lol'd. It it kinda true aswell. Even though you don't have to, I keep spamming the 1 key. Sometimes it really is too many players though and the creatures just one hit and you can't see anything with all the flashy lights. It's still awesome though.As for the server, I was playing on Ruins of something. I thought it sounded cool. One thing though, there are US and EU servers, where are you from?
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^^ I lol'd. It it kinda true aswell. Even though you don't have to, I keep spamming the 1 key. Sometimes it really is too many players though and the creatures just one hit and you can't see anything with all the flashy lights. It's still awesome though.As for the server, I was playing on Ruins of something. I thought it sounded cool. One thing though, there are US and EU servers, where are you from?

aaa yer I'm EU :/ Piken Square, I think its called :Pyer, youve got to remember most people have pre-ordered the game and have played the beta, so the starting missions are pretty rammed atm :P once the game fills out and people go seperate ways that shouldnt be a problem :) but the massive group events are amazing, a real nice touch to push people together.
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No need to be sad, I'm EU aswell, and Huygens too! I know that about people spreading, but it will be the same when it's released. I hope they will make it possible to buy more character slots to use all the profesions.Edit: Ofcourse you're EU, you're rhe #1 Brit... I can't see signatures on mobile version and I forgot.

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I kinda want to play on Far Shiverpeaks, but if you know about a server that there will be many English people on, that's good. Far Shiverpeaks is German, Russian and Norwegian mostly (clans and communities have decided on what server to play on, and I know many Norwegians will be on Far Shiverpeaks). I think I would prefer an English speaking server. On the Beta it seemed like everyone was Spanish on the server I played on.Also, David, give us our forums!

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I kinda want to play on Far Shiverpeaks, but if you know about a server that there will be many English people on, that's good. Far Shiverpeaks is German, Russian and Norwegian mostly (clans and communities have decided on what server to play on, and I know many Norwegians will be on Far Shiverpeaks). I think I would prefer an English speaking server. On the Beta it seemed like everyone was Spanish on the server I played on.Also, David, give us our forums!

we have our forums now :P well I know the one I was on was mostly English :/ but I shall have a scout around :P
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If it's from Amazon you should let me PM you a link to click through so we can raise $2-3 for hosting. Costs you nothing extra. ;)

Does that work for anything we buy off amazon? Even though I don't trust amazon I'd buy a few more things from it if so :)
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