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CC Ranks


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In my opinion I think we need to take a look at the CC ranks. We have all these different people that are silver stars (moderators) I guess that aren't doing anything nor should really have the rank. I think to hold you a rank you should be doing something proficient towards the clan. We need to regroup a little, maybe come up with a good way for people to earn rank instead of just giving it to them and letting them sit with it.
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I don't see why all these topics are Clan News... @_@ Or why you're able to post here. :oAnyway, David already mentioned this as Huygens said, it's being sorted. I think I'm just going to demote all the mods, maybe leave 1 or so, because we don't need them for such a small CC and we have a fairly big staff anyway.

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this is all well and good, but, have you actually looked at what each rank can do? i was told not to abuse, and franky i cant abuse at all anyway, also if you derank everyone and a guest comes in and sees no high star/key or admin, then they will instantly leave because no ranks are online, just my views on this

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We are talking about CC in RuneScape, right? In that case, I want to say that I want to be invited, just send me a msg on the forums if you are able to, and you see that I am on the forums.

Just hop in the cc, 'the rebelz', and warn ranked players ;) or just add me 'Huygenssauce', but Im pretty sure I play at different times than you. You could als try the IRC, but its kinda inactive

this is all well and good, but, have you actually looked at what each rank can do? i was told not to abuse, and franky i cant abuse at all anyway, also if you derank everyone and a guest comes in and sees no high star/key or admin, then they will instantly leave because no ranks are online, just my views on this

I do think you have a point here.
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