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Best and Worst Followers/Companions


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I have two winners for best followers. The first is Mjoll the Lioness. She is skilled in heavy armor and 2h, so I made her some Dragon Plate and a Daedric Battle Axe. She is a essential character so she can't be killed. There are a handful of other essential followers, but she is just a favorite. The other winner is J'zargo, the Khajiit student in the College of Winterhold. He only wins because he is the only follower that can level all the way to 81 with you. So he has the potential to be really useful, especially if you give him heavy armor and a one handed weapon.For least favorite, I'd have to say Cicero. Nothing against his skills, but I just don't like him. Lydia recently ticked me off when I mistaked her for a zombie and one hit killed her. In her defence though, I did have some pretty beefed up weapons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So after trolling around the world of Skyrim I began dead thralling summons instead of bothering with actual followers. I suppose I could do both and have three, but eh.Anyways, my thralls are currently a Daedric Markynaz with a ridiculously enchanted war-hammer that costs like 9,000 gold, and Orchendor.Orchendor is... Quite simply the best follower/thrall in the game. The dude is INSANE. If I fury him, he can actually kill me - probably the only NPC capable of that at this point. He heals himself, has very powerful spells, and can even teleport away when people get up close and try to melee him.The Markynaz isn't quite on Orchendor's level but he's still good, probably better than any of the legitimate followers. He's hilarious to have around because he keeps the standard lulzy Dremora fighting lines even when thrall'd. With his hammer he essentially one hits every person I fight and sends them flying across the room.I can quite literally just stand around and let them deal with every group of enemies I fight without doing anything. On the rare instance they die, I just instantly re-thrall them and continue on my way.

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Yeah Orchendor is probably the best. 100% magic resistance, he's not an idiot, and he can teleport around makes him fantastic. I also dead thrall'd the Champion of Boethiah. He looks pretty legit and he wears Ebony Mail, which is always nice. I still bring around my wife, a dog, and two atronachs. If I didn't destroy the Dark Brotherhood, I would also summon Lucien, making my army 8, 9 if my horse gets in the mix.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wanted Benor as my badass two-handed heavy armour follower but I couldn't find him anywhere. So I did a small quest for Erik the Slayer and got him to be my follower. I made him some impressive dragonplate armour and gave him the Giant's Club Easter Egg Weapon that does 170-damage. I definitely recommending this for some of the harder quests where you have to just tank through a dungeon or something.

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From my research:Best Warrior: Mjoll the LionessBest Mage: J'zargoBest Rogue: Aela the HuntressI used J'zargo on my first playthough, I think I'll use Aela on my second.

I've heard Jzargo is great, except he often prefers to go hand-to-hand instead of using his level 100 destruction. Is that true?Hm, I've never used Erik the Slayer. Maybe I'll have to look into him.
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I've heard Jzargo is great, except he often prefers to go hand-to-hand instead of using his level 100 destruction. Is that true?Hm, I've never used Erik the Slayer. Maybe I'll have to look into him.

I've heard people who have that problem as well. I haven't run into it, though. I like J'zargo because he wields heavy armor, shields, and 1-handed weapons that you give him. 2 battlemages together are unstoppable! My only problem is that he never really moves past his beginner lightning spell. I hope they fix that.(In case you were wondering, Mjoll is the best warrior because she's an essential NPC. Aela is the best because archery>daggers and she is marriagable, allowing you to bring a shop with you.)
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