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The Calendar Returns!


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I've re-added the calendar after a few people requested it. I initially thought that it was a useless application that no one ever used, and since space on the nav bar is at a premium I just turned it off. Anyways, it's back now that I've discovered that it's extremely simple to just turn the "Hide from Nav Bar" option on. :P

You guys are making a fantastic effort at increasing activity and event turnouts, so I'm confident you'll put it to good use. This calendar is a bit more advanced than others we've used in the past. You should have the ability to...

    [*]RSVP to events.

    [*]Comment on calendar events (this should not replace the normal threads)

    [*]Rate events.

Since the link is no longer on the nav bar, you can view it by visiting it here or by clicking on the sub-forum in Community Events (it also displays on the index).

There's also a hook on the side-bar of the index that will provide a feed of Upcoming Events, similar to the "Recent Topics" area. This probably renders the manually-updated Calendar area of the header more trouble than it's worth. Fergal, you should probably turn it into a few quick bullets on why/how to join.

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I mentioned it in the OP. I'd turn that area into either 1) a permanent pitch for joining with step instructions or 2) just move achievements of the week to that side and actually keep up with it.

hmm im not sure joining instructions are necessary, it isnt that hard right?
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