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Who do you pick for your three blades ?

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I try to pick characters of some kind of morals, but also for diversity.I picked;Lydia- Bow,Blade,Heavy armor,Block, perfect for a blades skills, plus good moral character, loyal, trustworthy. My Ranger.Benor(the guy from marthal you brawl with)-Two handed, heavy armor, aspires to be a guard, so naturally he wants to help the citizens of skyrim, etc, I have him as my Tank.I had Iona before, but i'm wondering should I have another ranger, A mage, or if i could find a priest, would they actually have the spells required to heal others, or just themselves, and if they had the ability to heal others, would they ? I was thinking a mage because they dont really seem to run out of Magicka, so its more the matter of finding a deadly enough one, i know the one at the bee & barb is quite efficent, adept level robes, and spells as well I believe.Any clarification on the priests spells/abilities? or Suggestions as to my third blade ?

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I've only killed Paarthurnax once, and that time I never chose my three blades before I started a new character. So if I was to get to that point again..1. Mjoll The Lioness-heavy armor, one handed and shield. Likes adventure and wants to be Riften's protector. I assume being a Blade will be right up her alley. And Riften is pretty much a lost cause when I become Guild Master and Maven becomes Jarl.2. Belrand-spellsword, specializes in heavy armor. He is a mercenary, so no other reason to pick him besides the fact he heals often and regenerates health pretty fast.3. Illia-mage, usually healing and ice spells. Her effectiveness will depend on what dragon we are fighting, but she'll still be a good addition to the team.

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I've never killed Paarthunax, but if I did, my choices would be:1. Aela the HuntressShe is a decent archer, and I can give her my light armor, which would be useless otherwise.2. Mjoll the LionessInvincible if the rumors are true, and she can apparantly kill dragons on her own!3. J'zargoA mage who uses heavy armor and bypasses level caps? Yes please!

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I've never killed Paarthunax, but if I did, my choices would be:1. Aela the HuntressShe is a decent archer, and I can give her my light armor, which would be useless otherwise.3. J'zargoA mage who uses heavy armor and bypasses level caps? Yes please!

I can't bring myself to take any Companion or Student out of there home
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