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Vampires and Werewolves - Your Opinion?


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Split the post and made it into its own thread. When starting a topic, you just have to navigate to the forum you want to post it in and click the "New Topic" button. :)I've played as a Vampire far more than a Werewolf at this point, though only because I can't be bothered to do the lame Companion quests. Generally I think Werewolves are better at lower levels, and then it switches as you increase.

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Being a vampire is far more exiting, but sometimes I start to mis becoming a werewolf, the reason i got rid of it was because i didnt use it a lot, bein a vampire has more abbilities, but having to feed becomes a dragI had Forgotten about making this topic, then when i remembr i come and see the exact thing i was thinking of naming it, i got on and seen my post, srry, and thank you for starting the topic

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I was gonna write some long monologue about you and your friend parting ways, but I scrapped it after the 3rd paragraph.I mean, the "Fear Growl" thing that Werewolfs have is very useful. I guess spamming that as you tear through NPC's, it would work. The DPS of that compared to weapons that you could of crafted yourself is lame though.

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Wait what...Did I offend you you somehow, I was stating that my friend killed thirty guards using the Fear growl, afterwards he died, if that makes you feel any betterJust so u know though if you ever get low on health you canfeed on people, and the speed of a sprinting werwolf is only outmached by a dragon, and you could escape any danger, can you do that while holding a weaponSorry BY a dragon, i'm not that good at typing

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Did I offend you you somehow, I was stating that my friend killed thirty guards using the Fear growl, afterwards he died, if that makes you feel any better

Now I'm confused.

Just so u know though if you ever get low on health you canfeed on people, and the speed of a sprinting werwolf is only outmached my a dragon, and you could escape any danger, can you do that while holding a weapon

Once you are high enough and play correctly, you don't really need to worry about escaping danger as there are few things that you really need to worry about. Again, that brings us back to the point that werewolves are very useful up until ~30. By then, if you play correctly, you should be able to out DPS what you could while being a werewolf.
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