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I've seen this topic in the past on other forums (I think it was Nexus), good idea. Usually it would be considered a Spam Topic/Forum Game, but since the posts are usually generally detailed/long enough, it's best that people's post count go up for this one.Basically, you can come on any day and post how your day want, particularly if it was an excited or terrible day!

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Ok story of my day,woke up at 5.40, got in the bus at 6.30 arrived at my intern school at 8.00, it was freezing like hell! I doubt I'm still a man, at least, I think I'm sterile now. So I just relaxed with my class there (im studying to be a teacher) and get to know them, so at like 3pm I had this short workshop about really smart students, how to challenge them and stuff then I went home and checked the forums, now ive got some assignments to do :huh:fking tired, ill go to bed early :(

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Since no one else is posting...Okay, so instead of talking about my boring enough day today, I'll tell you about my weekend planned? xDToday - home from school, gonna be going to TaeKwonDo to kick some people's asses! >:P Tomorrow, I have Gaelic Football training, which I don't plan on going to be because I need rest for the Munster (Provence in Ireland e.g. 1/4 of Ireland) Championships for TaeKwonDo. Then on Monday I'm going on my school tour, which should be awesome.:D

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