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Hey guys,I thought I could play a lot after christmas, sadly, I've had so much to do for school, so I've barely been on/barely been recruiting.Next week are my exams, takes 1 full week, after that I got one full week of internship (not sure if thats the right word). After that, my 'regular' school life gets back. So expect some more activity from me starting in the beginning of February. Lets get back to our old TRR state :D! I'll do my very best to get more activity in the clan; recruit like a mofo, RSOF as well as fansites (even though Ferg got them covered quite well), Ill try to be in the cc as much as often and I'll try to make as much topics on the forums as possible. I've seen the clan dieing again lately, dont want it to happen ;)Huygens <3

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