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cant talk to anyone!




I play on xbox 360 and I am having some troubles with speech in skyrim. Ever since I completed the dark brother hood quest to get the necklace appraised I have had trouble talking to npcs.

when I talk to a random person or really anyone in the game most of the time I do not get any speech from then it will just be for example.

I have retrieved those thirty-nine bear asses you have requested for you potions

Npc: *silence*

Thank you for your compliment on my speed I assume that comes with a tip?

Npc: *silence*

You too, have a great day.

Or in the case of trying to continue the dark brotherhood questline when I talk to gabriela all her dialogue is greyed and I can't select any.

I have tried loading past saves, cleaning my disk, and waiting days for it to mabey fix its self. I am currently to far to start a new game and I wold love to continue my Skyrim experiance. I'm looking for possible fixes please respond :)

(also if you are wondering how long this has happened my name says it all).

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The dark brotherhood quest involved taking a necklace that was given to me to cover "expanses" for assinating the emperor and Astrid sent me to get it appraised by a guy in Riften. Well I talked to him then I had to do an irl thing and came back a little over two hours later to see that Astrid was skipping dialogue and that this was starting to happen with most npcs I talked to. (And yes I have the voice setting on default)

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That honestly has me stumped. I've not yet gotten to that part in the Dark Brotherhood questline though, so I've had no opportunity to try to duplicate that bug. I don't have time to research/play through it tonight, I'll try to find out the specific issue and hopefully a fix tomorrow. In the meantime maybe someone else can be of more help than I.Note: I believe the specific quest name is "The Silence Has Been Broken" (coincidence...?) if anyone wants to look into it.

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