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Going P2P.


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Hey guys. I'm going P2P again.

When I was last P2P I sold most of the equipment. So I have a sum of cash to spend on items. However I need to spent my money wisely, so I can make more money. It has been a long time since I was last P2P and unsure if my money making methods are still good for my level (see below). I spent most of my money making time at barrows when I was last P2P.

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So basically what should I kill? and what equipment should I buy?

*note* I am on a budget here. I have 15mil to spend. I seemed to have kept some items. I have.. a whip, full guthans, helm of nezzy, staff of light, soul cape, dragon boots, dragon defender and barrow gloves.

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you could always craft runes for money :)

Good Idea. I could start up doing nature runes again.

Would slayer be any good? Idk, I was never really into making cash when I was P2P, I just liked having fun and training cmb. =P

It can be. Slayer is really a skill that I only train when I need to.

Come boss hunting with me ;)

Love to. Or maybe I can do more solo KBD runs. XD
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