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Addison's Goals


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Well seeing that I just started the game and I've already gone member... I want to see what every skill does, get the feel of this game and get better at it.SO I'm going to get to or over lvl 20 in every skill! I have 17 skills to get to 20 haha XDThis is gonna be a long-term goal, or not! Who knows haha!

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All skills over level 20 will be easy, but as your get higher it does tend to be a pain, honestly you can get almost any skill to 50 in a day with ease, its what I did when I became a member in rs, I got 52 theiving right off the bat for some reason I loved it, not so much now.

Nice o.o Well yeah, your right about getting to 20 being easy.. I've already got 2 skills downFergal I plan on doing that :3 20, 30, 40, and etc ;)Oh guys! I have another goal... get my butt in the high scores list so people may see my skills... lol
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