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Forum Renewal Reminder


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I'm just posting this as a reminder that our forums are due for renewal in <2 days. We haven't had any donations or anything in a long time, so we're getting dangerously close to not having enough. Here's the link to the Donations & Subscriptions FAQ.Also note that subscription prices have been greatly reduced. I still want some feedback on those, so post here with your thoughts.

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Oh, and remember that we get money if you just click a link from us to Amazon and then buy a product. So if you're about to buy one of the dozens of great games coming out with Amazon (e.g. MW5, Dark Souls, Skyrim, GW3, etc) soon, let me refer you and it will help raise money - and cost you NOTHING extra! For example, a $60 game.If you just buy through Amazon - Amazon gets $60, TRR gets $0, you lose $60.If you let us refer you - Amazon gets ~$57.60, we get ~$2.40, you lose $60 BUT gain the satisfaction of helping us out. :)

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