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  1. I would make my dragonborn Arnold swarchzeneger(SP?) cause he was Conan and that was beast jmo
  2. Hmm never thought of it as like an experimental type thing to see if your builds will work. Well aren't you just always full of good ideas.I also have like 6 characters because I get so bored
  3. Shit... We don't stand a chance I mean excuse my language but the aldmeri dominion are powerful fucking geniuses and I think skyrim stands no chance in the war that one of you mentioned was inevitable
  4. Yea in the next game with the thalmor it could have a book that would say "with the dragonborn at their back they crushed their opponents" so whoever you chose they still had the dragon born at their back pretty much. I guess I mean they would make it very vague
  5. Other* XD the hardest out of all is pacifist but out of these it would be Mage I am playing a Mage-ish character that is slowly turning into a battlemageWow!!!! All 6 people said Mage lol
  6. *SPOILER*Can't forget college of winter hold ancano turned out to be a little sketchy
  7. I'm surprised so many people still haven't heard of the oghma infinium glitch I did it on one build and tried to contain myself but still ended up at level 67 but that was my first build and I am much more experienced now to I try not to do the glitch much
  8. Ive found that Anise's cabin is a good starter home because it is just out of helgen and gives you some Mage robes if memory serves and you are strong enough to kill anise it has a basement with some ingredients an enchanting table and an alchemy station I believe the satchel in the basement should be safe but don't blame me if it's not as I haven't tried. I am also fairly new to Elder Souls and have already made a few posts.
  9. I'm not really focused enough to use the perk planner because I always forget I made a setup so I just kind of wing it which probably explains why I'm so underpowered and don't have my weapon damage over 100 except for dragon bone bow which does like 104 or something so I might try to plan it on my next build but I don't think it's gonna happen. I've also never found the banish effect and just use paralysis on my weapons to sell.
  10. Wow this is a toughy, I've never really thought about it but I do like to keep it simple mainly steel for heavy and scaled for light, but weapons!!! That is a totally different story I run around with daedric and dragonbone weapons. Mainly because I don't really need amazing armor but I need a good weapon for adventuring and such so yea steel and scaled have my vote
  11. It's actually 81 and a half but that doesn't really matter with perks lol
  12. Wow, thanks that was more of an answer than I expected didn't know weapons mattered for difficulty I thought the spread was always the same when you change difficulty. Cool I might use an axe for the first time now XD
  13. Talos and Nocturnal would be mine, because talos is awesome and Nocturnal is just so...hot. Lol XD
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