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Everything posted by KingofSpain

  1. Intergalactic Frozen yogurt, frozen yogurt intergalactic

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  2. So i was on my way to Falkreach to speak to Lod about Barbos and starting the quest. Of course as soon as i arrive in the town i get a random dragon attack and Lod ends up dead. Does anyone know how i could still get the item or at least get the Oblivion Walker achievement.
  3. KingofSpain

    Valentines Day Cards

    9gag is bad you should feel bad
  4. @Traaginen I wrote most of it myself the rest was from a friend that is really good with computers. I also use avast just because I was getting the paid version for free.It also comes with an add-on for any browser that is similar to WOT @Huygens Microsoft Security Essentials works fine for me, but you really shouldn't need a paid anti-virus if you are careful and don't go downloading everything from everywhere.
  5. KingofSpain

    Rage Face Comics

    25x25 images that are good for placing in a forum
  6. KingofSpain


    From the album: Rage Face Comics

  7. KingofSpain

    Y U NO

    From the album: Rage Face Comics

  8. KingofSpain


    From the album: Rage Face Comics

  9. KingofSpain


    From the album: Rage Face Comics

  10. KingofSpain

    Me Gusta

    From the album: Rage Face Comics

  11. KingofSpain


    From the album: Rage Face Comics

  12. KingofSpain

    Yao Ming

    From the album: Rage Face Comics

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