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KingofSpain last won the day on June 30 2012

KingofSpain had the most liked content!

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Xbox mostly
    Halo, Skyrim, Blitz/Madden, Minecraft, and Lobby Camping are my favorite games
  • GT
    UEG Audacity

KingofSpain's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Intergalactic Frozen yogurt, frozen yogurt intergalactic

  2. So i was on my way to Falkreach to speak to Lod about Barbos and starting the quest. Of course as soon as i arrive in the town i get a random dragon attack and Lod ends up dead. Does anyone know how i could still get the item or at least get the Oblivion Walker achievement.
  3. KingofSpain

    Valentines Day Cards

    9gag is bad you should feel bad
  4. @Traaginen I wrote most of it myself the rest was from a friend that is really good with computers. I also use avast just because I was getting the paid version for free.It also comes with an add-on for any browser that is similar to WOT @Huygens Microsoft Security Essentials works fine for me, but you really shouldn't need a paid anti-virus if you are careful and don't go downloading everything from everywhere.
  5. KingofSpain

    Rage Face Comics

    25x25 images that are good for placing in a forum
  6. Hey, welcome to the site! Let me know if you ever have any suggestions. :)

    1. KingofSpain


      have you ever thought about putting a chatbox in your forum maybe where a member could ask a quick question

    2. David


      Yes, we've had one before but it's currently down temporarily. If you have a Skyrim Question, the forum of the same name is generally the best place because then others can look up the answers too. Things tended to get lost in the chat room/box.

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