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Everything posted by NCwilde1

  1. Question. So if I were to store items in Drela's cottage, my items would be safe?
  2. This was ridiculously helpful to me when it came to selling multiple enchanted iron daggers. Talk about fast cash. Thanks again!
  3. I was thinking that maybe you could go back to where you first drank Aela's blood to become a werewolf again. I could be wrong, but I believe the blood never disappears.
  4. Wow, what an awesome enchantment. With level 40 Enchanting I'm making 1400 easy off of iron daggers. Then with the glitch where you can save after your transactions with a vendor, kill them and the reload to find that they are restocked(with allows me to also continuously buy cheap filled soul gems) has earned me a lot of coin last night. Thank you guys for telling me about Banish. I'm gettin' rich!
  5. Whoa, that's valuable, So around level 20? Will it just show up randomly at a vendor or is there a specific place I can acquire it?
  6. I've checked it out and I like the whole build. Thanks a lot, Blex. You've given me a really good perspective using the perk calculator. Now just one more question. What is a quick way I can level up enchanting. It does take quite a while.
  7. Oh okay I see what you mean. I could just use enchanting or even Muffle to make up for that then seeing how a 5% increase isn't really that much. And yes, I always incorporate backstab. I haven't created my new character though, I'm going to do that in a little while. I think I want to be a Kahjiit this time.
  8. Maybe I'll ditch stealth and do one handed, archery, alchemy, and smithing for my main. Then add to that once I strengthen those to my liking. It's possible to still be pretty good at sneaking without perks, right?
  9. What sucks is that I'm on Xbox 360, so I'm limited to which exact skill sets I want since there are a lot that I really want to level up. I don't think my laptop can hold up to Skyrim on PC. I plan on getting a gaming computer soon though, I knew nothing about all the awesome mods until just recently. Man, am I missing out! I've been using Redguard though. Maybe I should switch it up since I like Stealth, and Archery, but I love melee combat as well and I want to max out smithing too. It's very difficult for me to make my ideal character with all the possibilities. I guess this is something I need to figure out on my own though. I'm still open to any advice though.
  10. It seems you guys are a lot stronger than I am. Is there any other way to get Daedric weapons other than smithing them yourself? Maybe I'm not that effective because instead of focusing on certain skills, I invest a few perk points in various ones. This may be the reason I keep starting over now that I think about it. I'm on my 5th playthrough and only have completed the main story once, all because I wasn't satisfied on how I chose to level up my character. I don't know ...
  11. I watch friends fight Dragons and some are more efficient than others when it comes to killing them. Even I have problems sometimes being that I prefer to be an Archer. I'm fairly good when it comes to killing them, but something tells me that it should be a quicker fight being that I am level 31(Mind you I'd rather it be a long battle, because thats what makes it challenging and so darn fun). I don't have Dragonrend yet though because I'm having a helluva time exploring(My favorite aspect of the game) and taking on miscellaneous quests and joining factions. My main question here though is, What is you approach to slaying those Winged Beasts?
  12. I absolutely LOVE Archery, but I agree that Melee is the most fun(1st person combat is definitely awesome and I feel it really lets you immerse yourself in the action). I don't really fight with Magic though, unless of course I'm summoning Daedra or reanimating corpses. Destruction is not really my strong suite. I think my next character will be a Mage though. I can see that being a Mage is quite popular.
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