Hello there,
I am new to Elder Scrolls Online and am thoroughly enjoying the vast world and lore it offers. Although; I am finding it challenging to decide on the best class for solo play. I usually play in the evenings and my schedule is pretty irregular; so I end up doing a lot of solo content. I have tried a couple of different classes but have not yet found one that feels right for my playstyle.
I enjoy both PvE and PvP; so I am looking for a class that can handle both reasonably well. I understand that some classes might excel in one over the other; but a good balance would be ideal.
Given that I often play solo; a class with good self-sustain and survivability is crucial. I am not the best at dodging or avoiding damage, so a class that can take a few hits would be helpful.
As someone still getting used to the game mechanics, a class with a more straightforward learning curve would be beneficial. I don't mind putting in the time to learn; but I would prefer not to feel overwhelmed.
I have read that classes like the Sorcerer and Templar are popular choices for solo players; but I am curious about the community's opinions. Are there any particular builds or strategies you could recommend? Also; how important are gear and skill choices in enhancing a class's solo capabilities?🤔
Also, I have gone through this post; https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/403615/best-solo-power-apps-class which definitely helped me out a lot.
I am excited to find a class that I can really dive into and master; so your insights will be invaluable.
Thanks in advance for your help and assistance.😇